
And am I too lazy to find something else for her twin sister? Yes. Yes I am. And I am not ashamed of it. 

They're good male picrews, but it's hard to find female ones for whatever reason

Edited at November 13, 2022 02:40 PM by Cereal

So I already have it established in his wip sheet that I havnt posted yet. But Taz has permanent horns from getting stuck shifted. He went through something to make him go feral and got stuck in his fluctuating beast forms. Why do I kinda want his form he was stuck in last to be a cat and the only companion mauve had that kept her company in the captivity. And to at what ever we plan to have happen with the rescue. Tax somehow finally breaks free of the last 40 years of him being stuck in his shifted forms. To give you this hot mf lol And mauve and him and her look the cat and mauve click that and look at the details on that piccrew. I just found it and I'm obsessed I made it to where mauves captor is a crime lord in a port of the blood kingdom that is gonna be found stealing from the Daecurian kingdoms ships. And that's what starts the eventual attack and rescue. Edited at November 13, 2022 03:45 PM by Ravensrun

Should I make new characters for this rp and what type of hot should I make them?

Hi guys, I got busy from this roleplay. I am finally caught up though, haha- Should I bring in Irfam into the prequel so that them being late to the meeting in the present time one(not the sequel) is easier to excuse by those that know them?


I'm so mad right now but I have so much adrenaline and motivation to write my character sheets. i don't care if it's healthy, but this motivation is how i get shit done

Edited at November 14, 2022 06:25 PM by Ravensrun

Not me finding an alternative site to picrew 😘