
Lol nice. I'll have Kiran actually get out of the grave once the meeting is over or at least wrapping up. Maybe I'll even have him follow his siress trail to the party and have him burst in covered in blood. The change he is going through looks like it happened really fast but that post and the changes are actually happening over the course of a few hours.

He could show at the start of Mauve's party lol Umbria zipping blood and is like, "At least you're not late to this party"

Umbria: having a blast kiran: bursts in dazed and blood lust fueled. umbria: fuck I forgot about that

We love her simping for her wife. Cereal said: Umbria has a post update Enjoy her simping for her wife-

It's like the equivalent of driving half way home from the store and flipping a uturn as you remember you brought your kid to the store and they are now not in said car

Umbria: Honey! I'm home! Bella: Did you forget something? Umbria: You're right...I forgot to grab the eggs. Bella: You've forgotten Kirian! Umbria: Oh...so am I missing the eggs or no? Ravensrun said: It's like the equivalent of driving half way home from the store and flipping a uturn as you remember you brought your kid to the store and they are now not in said car


Heading to sleep talk to y'all tomorrow what's funny is that since Umbria has had Kiran as her personal bloood gifter for about 7 ish years. In Her distant missions/travels. That no one at court really knows who the fuck he is. I think Bella would be like who is this person you turned justicar umbria umbria :oh he's my blood gifter I had to turn him. He is now my childe Kiran: hello I saved Rosalie's life bella: okay your my kid now too Edited at October 26, 2022 11:05 PM by Ravensrun

Umbria and Bella: *is asleep* *bedroom door opens* Rosa: Moms. I can't sleep. Bella: Come on. You can sleep with us. Umbria, scoot over. Umbria: What-ugh, fine. *scoots over* Rosa: *snuggles in-between them* Kiran: Moms. I can't sleep either. Bella: Feel free to join us too. Umbria: Babe! They're college age! Bella: Silence, Umbria! They're having issues with sleeping. It'll be bad for their health. Kiran: *snuggles besides Rosa* Umbria: *hanging on the edge of the bed* This is bullshit.

Bella would <3 Cereal said: Umbria and Bella: *is asleep* *bedroom door opens* Rosa: Moms. I can't sleep. Bella: Come on. You can sleep with us. Umbria, scoot over. Umbria: What-ugh, fine. *scoots over* Rosa: *snuggles in-between them* Kiran: Moms. I can't sleep either. Bella: Feel free to join us too. Umbria: Babe! They're college age! Bella: Silence, Umbria! They're having issues with sleeping. It'll be bad for their health. Kiran: *snuggles besides Rosa* Umbria: *hanging on the edge of the bed* This is bullshit.