
Oh dear. He wouldn't feel reassured. He'd rather her go get help or try and help him. Free-Claw12 said: She would drop her note book and run over if he did pass out like the clumsy girl she is lol Spellbound said: It's good she followed because once my boy is done seeing the vision he's gonna be about to pass the fuck out because of how draining it was. Free-Claw12 said: Ooo yes that will be interesting, she will try and take notes for herself as she watches lol Spellbound said: I think that would be interesting. Considering she's super young and doesn't know the ritual to seeing into the future :o Free-Claw12 said: Skya could follow and watch, she is also a soul vampire though^^ Spellbound said: Let's just say Darvion is gonna have a ✨vision✨ anyone want to notice him talking to a spirit and follow him to a creepy catacomb where he performs a scrying ritual and gets possessed by spirits and sees the future : D

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Guys these quotes are getting long as fuck lmao

@Spellbound, Poor Skya she will be mixed with emotions raning from exitment, amazment and then utter worry and painc...though she will try and help him rest or carry him to the others or to a bed if she can find one


Man, I don't know if I want my twin Hunters to be identical or not :,)

Now for the all and all importat question if Theo was to be turned who would be the one to turn him 0-0

Oh Dear. My boy is gonna be so freaking drained and barely able to function. He probably would be so drained that he'll need a feeding, asap. Free-Claw12 said: @Spellbound, Poor Skya she will be mixed with emotions raning from exitment, amazment and then utter worry and painc...though she will try and help him rest or carry him to the others or to a bed if she can find one

Lol Ska will go find him a feed and make sure you get your health back ...then once he is ok she will try and ask him questions about what he did ^^ Spellbound said: Oh Dear. My boy is gonna be so freaking drained and barely able to function. He probably would be so drained that he'll need a feeding, asap. Free-Claw12 said: @Spellbound, Poor Skya she will be mixed with emotions raning from exitment, amazment and then utter worry and painc...though she will try and help him rest or carry him to the others or to a bed if she can find one

Why do I smell plot for him adopting her as a sister- Free-Claw12 said: Lol Ska will go find him a feed and make sure you get your health back ...then once he is ok she will try and ask him questions about what he did ^^ Spellbound said: Oh Dear. My boy is gonna be so freaking drained and barely able to function. He probably would be so drained that he'll need a feeding, asap. Free-Claw12 said: @Spellbound, Poor Skya she will be mixed with emotions raning from exitment, amazment and then utter worry and painc...though she will try and help him rest or carry him to the others or to a bed if she can find one

PLEASE. that would be so cute. Spellbound said: Why do I smell plot for him adopting her as a sister- Free-Claw12 said: Lol Ska will go find him a feed and make sure you get your health back ...then once he is ok she will try and ask him questions about what he did ^^ Spellbound said: Oh Dear. My boy is gonna be so freaking drained and barely able to function. He probably would be so drained that he'll need a feeding, asap. Free-Claw12 said: @Spellbound, Poor Skya she will be mixed with emotions raning from exitment, amazment and then utter worry and painc...though she will try and help him rest or carry him to the others or to a bed if she can find one