
I just added a hash tag to Instagram called #townofglowmire I'd love it of you shared your art with me there and here if you don't have an insta. I love seeing all your creativity with this place

Damn, 300 posts in The Rotten Forest already? I'm so glad you guys like this!

You came up with the literally coolest idea on WP <3

Aaa thank you so much ima cry now ^^, I'm really glad you guys are enjoying it

After I finish a commission I might make some fan art >:)

Ooo I'd love to see that!

Oh definetly same here. I gotta make some Tragedy art *^* He's enjoying his 'retirement'

Hello. Um. Not sure if I can post here yet. Well, Jari' has been finished. I gave her a pet rat named Smiley... if that's okay...

No, sorry. No pets u til you tame them. There's a Forest Rat that you can find and tame but you cannot enter Glowmire with a pet. Everyone enters Glowmire alone.

Sunset Ghosts said: No, sorry. No pets u til you tame them. There's a Forest Rat that you can find and tame but you cannot enter Glowmire with a pet. Everyone enters Glowmire alone.
Ah, okay. Didn't know. Removing Smiley now. ^^