
Skya could follow and watch, she is also a soul vampire though^^ Spellbound said: Let's just say Darvion is gonna have a ✨vision✨ anyone want to notice him talking to a spirit and follow him to a creepy catacomb where he performs a scrying ritual and gets possessed by spirits and sees the future : D

Maybe their powers haven't developed yet and no one knows what class they'll be in. It depends on the vampire, some can pick it up quickly than others while others are slower. Overthink101 said: Man- Hm- I can't decide what class I want Kapono and Mion to be- Can they just be childes to two unnamed married sires or no?

I think that would be interesting. Considering she's super young and doesn't know the ritual to seeing into the future :o Free-Claw12 said: Skya could follow and watch, she is also a soul vampire though^^ Spellbound said: Let's just say Darvion is gonna have a ✨vision✨ anyone want to notice him talking to a spirit and follow him to a creepy catacomb where he performs a scrying ritual and gets possessed by spirits and sees the future : D
Edited at September 13, 2022 06:09 PM by Spellbound

Darvion finally has a look

But I have two picked out already and am trying to figure out if there's any way to make it work the way I'm wanting it to lol I was going to have Mion have Hypnosis and Kapono have Soul but I'm not sure if it would work given that they're twins lmao

Mion as hypnosis. no doubt. Edited at September 13, 2022 06:10 PM by Determined_Wolf

Ooo yes that will be interesting, she will try and take notes for herself as she watches lol Spellbound said: I think that would be interesting. Considering she's super young and doesn't know the ritual to seeing into the future :o Free-Claw12 said: Skya could follow and watch, she is also a soul vampire though^^ Spellbound said: Let's just say Darvion is gonna have a ✨vision✨ anyone want to notice him talking to a spirit and follow him to a creepy catacomb where he performs a scrying ritual and gets possessed by spirits and sees the future : D
Edited at September 13, 2022 06:10 PM by Free-Claw12

wait so all the hunters are going to be turned into vampires ?!

Are they natural born or turned? If borned, then their parents could've been A Hypnosis and Soul. That way one twin gets Soul and the other Hypnosis. Overthink101 said: But I have two picked out already and am trying to figure out if there's any way to make it work the way I'm wanting it to lol I was going to have Mion have Hypnosis and Kapono have Soul but I'm not sure if it would work given that they're twins lmao

Overthink101 said: Man- Hm- I can't decide what class I want Kapono and Mion to be- Can they just be childes to two unnamed married sires or no?
Angelique would be very happy to be a sire, sadly she is a lesbian so if they're born vampires that wouldn't work. Otherwise lots of people have been leaving their sires unnamed