
I'm waiting for Sweet's post and then Ambrose will be throwing hands with Thea 😌 Fun times
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Salem said: I'm waiting for Sweet's post and then Ambrose will be throwing hands with Thea 😌 Fun times
I'm that punisher meme of "Wait wait wait... no nO WAIT WAIT!!"

Chocolate 😋🍫 Salem said: I went to go distract myself 'cause I knew this would happen lol Anyone want sandwhiches? Candy? (it's chocolate)

Am I detecting sarcasm? (ignoring the fact that I myself am being sarcastic 😄) Salem said: I'm waiting for Sweet's post and then Ambrose will be throwing hands with Thea 😌 Fun times

Are we serious about joking about the human world being in shambles?? :') I have eveerythingg drafted so there's just ediiting left but I need to know I'm gonna offend anyone here-

Wait who said anything about shambles, I didn't catch that-

I didn't directly quote what was said- nott being. Good in general is what I mean :'| Storm Runner said: Wait who said anything about shambles, I didn't catch that-

Please do the joke, I wanna see the chaos 😈

Oops silly me 😅 -Sweet-Poison- said: I didn't directly quote what was said- nott being. Good in general is what I mean :'| Storm Runner said: Wait who said anything about shambles, I didn't catch that-

Your wish is my command, gimme a few to edit and it'll be up there Rushie said: Please do the joke, I wanna see the chaos 😈