
Yes, there's one high-harem now. As for the transferring part, that was up to the former/current members of the said harem. Moose said: Is there just the one High Harem member right now? And did they transfer over from the former Queen to the New One?

Probably made, genetics isn't my strong suit and the two basically look like opposites sooo... Yeah. Ravensrun said: Overthink101 said: I'm excited for drama in general to be honest. Should I bring in the twins? - They aren't really twins because vampires, duh, but they have the same birthday and last name, and are basically opposites- They hilarious as a duo.
Are they made or born. I feel like if vampires can have one natural kid twins wouldn't be off the table maybe vampire pregnancy is dangerous since well duh you have a blood drinker inside of you. Maybe twins is even more of a dangerous pregnancy

Ah okay. Thanks! Cereal said: Yes, there's one high-harem now. As for the transferring part, that was up to the former/current members of the said harem.

How did I miss this entire discussion- I still need to finish two more characters so uhh... give me a minute. :'D

Also, what's the Royal Consort's role in all this since she was technically the legal "wife" of the Queen.

She could be helping Suya with everything, dividing the workload between them, and trying to keep the vampires from killing each other. With the death of Vivienne, everyone's eyes were both on her and Suya. Spellbound said: Also, what's the Royal Consort's role in all this since she was technically the legal "wife" of the Queen.

Oh my god. Zylpha is collecting the women Tatsuya is collecting the men And Davorin is collecting the genderfluid babes

The RP may officially begin: The Arches are the ones hosting and setting up everything for the meeting with the help of the royal consort Other vampires are arriving at the meeting spot which is the castle Hunters are having a meeting of their own and organizing everything

Gotcha. Tatsuya will be the one announcing the death of Vivienne + the crowing Of the new Queen . And I feel like Isolabella will be addressing the civil conflict between the different class types. And informing everyone that the rest of the Dukes and Duchesses are now expected to help in to help out. Annora will be assigned to help her assimilate into Vampire Society and Isolabella will help her as well. And she'll be assigned a Justicar for her safety. Draco will be assigned to Cereal said: She could be helping Suya with everything, dividing the workload between them, and trying to keep the vampires from killing each other. With the death of Vivienne, everyone's eyes were both on her and Suya. Spellbound said: Also, what's the Royal Consort's role in all this since she was technically the legal "wife" of the Queen.
Edited at September 13, 2022 04:44 PM by Spellbound

Look at this absolute stud muffin in sign-ups. Lovel would be seducing everyone within the vampire society. XD