
Just asking real quick- Childes have already been turned into vamps and are part of the classes, right? How are classes determined?

Cereal. Mail 👀. Also, that would be an interesting dynamic. I am down for Darvion taking that dynamic with a Hunter. Edited at September 13, 2022 03:45 PM by Spellbound

What class you will be is based off your Sire's class. <3 Overthink101 said: Just asking real quick- Childes have already been turned into vamps and are part of the classes, right? How are classes determined?

Alright then- Cool, cool- I'm wanting Kapono and Mion both to be either a Soul or Hypnosis class. I usually don't have them have the same thing though, so one with Soul and one with Hynosis would be the best case scenario- Which I'm guessing would require them to have different Sires. Which could work if the two sires were like married lmao Cereal said: What class you will be is based off your Sire's class. <3 Overthink101 said: Just asking real quick- Childes have already been turned into vamps and are part of the classes, right? How are classes determined?

I think it would be interesting since there are only two Soul Vampires that the others are highly curious about them since there are so few.

I think mauve would be fine sharing blood gifter or go hunting herself. How ever if she did get a personal blood gifter I'm still debating if she would share or not lol.
Also I had a vision of anorra landing on mauves shoulder as a raven and her just absentmindedly stroking her feathers as she sits with Z and talks or something.

Overthink101 said: I'm excited for drama in general to be honest. Should I bring in the twins? - They aren't really twins because vampires, duh, but they have the same birthday and last name, and are basically opposites- They hilarious as a duo.
Are they made or born. I feel like if vampires can have one natural kid twins wouldn't be off the table maybe vampire pregnancy is dangerous since well duh you have a blood drinker inside of you. Maybe twins is even more of a dangerous pregnancy

I have a Harem member that was a Former High Lord that can be a Soul Class Sire

Skya and Theo are still open for anything if any of you are interested!!

Is there just the one High Harem member right now? And did they transfer over from the former Queen to the New One?