
Cant decide if I should do a poke or poke myself and not wait scream

hello everyone! :D sock allowed me to slide in here, i will be posting my character soon. just thought i would introduce myself real quick
i go my she/her pronouns, though i don't mind they/them or he/him. you can call me whatever floats your boat and aside from that, i'm a pretty boring person. i draw, write, and hope to make a successful rp like this one :)

Hello! welcome to the chaos that is Wilou- we hibernate every other day for a couple weeks but we are always alive- Also I will threaten your life please do not be alarmed I'm really a nice person, Spaghetti (sock) agrees :D

G'day there :D this is sane insanity at its finest™

When did we add the "sane" part?

It's to make us sound less insane than we truly are >:) hide our true potential, as it were



Shouldn;t you be making that list and sleep?

I am, I swear lol but I got hungry so I ate like 20 minutes ago and now I'm doing the list. And I kid you not half the referencing generators aren't working for some reason so I have to manually type half of it out. But it's fine aha