
I'm trying to decide if Briar goes into the village to avoid the suitors or into the gardens 😂

Ah, we love a good antisocial princess.

Yes. Yes we do. She is going to notice somehow that a suitor is there. And she is going to be like "Time to blow this popsicle stand.. I'm outtie.."

I mean, I am with her on that.

working on my post for Zira now, Carter will wait until after Varik

Just wonderin' when the siblings meet up with each other. At the Masqurade ball, right?

Just wonderin' when the siblings meet up with each other. At the Masqurade ball, right?

Moonnightshade said: Just wonderin' when the siblings meet up with each other. At the Masqurade ball, right?
No. The heirs meet the suitors at the ball. The siblings can talk with each other cause they live and know each other. the suitors and heirs may run into each other before the ball.

I'm debating on having Dane either go to water his onions in the garden or snatch some bread to go give to kids in the village
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Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays everyone! Not that my post will move much on here ahah, but I should have Varik done within 2-3 days when the chaos of the holidays has subsided a bit :)