If you don't mind him being a father, Acacia is open 👀 Matunda said: 👀 I'm looking for a sibling for Kiburi. 👀 👀 And I'm also looking for a lioness who wants to be Kiburi's favored lioness. 👀
I also need a mother for my 2 month old cub, Banafrit. Acacia has one more cub slot open for a 1.5 year old cub.
imani is open to affiliations and kin! sefu probably won't have many more affiliations since he is more distant but his kin is also open for anyone who is interested
Crazydayz said: If you don't mind him being a father, Acacia is open 👀 Matunda said: 👀 I'm looking for a sibling for Kiburi. 👀 👀 And I'm also looking for a lioness who wants to be Kiburi's favored lioness. 👀
Ooh yes sure! Kiburi can be a father. Edited at November 16, 2023 05:49 PM by Matunda
I'll go edit it ^^ Thank you for letting us know Moonshadow Pack said: Oh by the way i changed Sefu's age from 5 to 3, i didn't realize I made him that old and I wanted him to be a bit younger
Matunda ^^ We'll need to decide on some pride rules. Feel free to Pm me with any ideas you have!
I've dropped Nalini's litters age down to 6 Months, and she's open to a Max of Four cubs if anyone wants one <3
I wouldn't mind making my cub, Banafrit, a little bit older. May I take one of those cub slots? Polly said: I've dropped Nalini's litters age down to 6 Months, and she's open to a Max of Four cubs if anyone wants one <3
Matunda said: Crazydayz said: If you don't mind him being a father, Acacia is open 👀 Matunda said: 👀 I'm looking for a sibling for Kiburi. 👀 👀 And I'm also looking for a lioness who wants to be Kiburi's favored lioness. 👀
Ooh yes sure! Kiburi can be a father.
Great! I'll let the people playing their cubs know now.
Aaliyah is open to affiliations and any kin/friends.