Not me running to this discussion
Imma be honest, I was so surprised the slots filled out as quickly as they did. I was expecting you to pop in, mostly because those character forms are always a treat to read
PLEASE. You flatter me my dear 😭. I had so much business to take care of , that I didn't want to half ass a sheet for you . I had a hair appointment, nail appointment, and shopping then I had to go to a dinner, my mom got sick so had to take care of her - then, I went out to another dinner and then the after party and had an event to go to. So I was busy.
Oh yea, that's understandable! Life can get pretty crazy and needs more attention from us, which is completely fine. I will say though, just to get it out of the way, where would you be comfortable on the scheduling for this roleplay? To avoid leaving people behind in settings where everyone is congregating, there's a set schedule to ensure everyone stays involved. But for first posts, the schedule is tossed out the window - it will be used after everyone has their first posts in though Last is reserved for Nez, and I kinda appointed myself as first (for obvious reasons).
You can choose for me. I don't mind wherever I am :3
I am so intrigued to see where the wheel of fate shall put me ;3
I'm also debating between illusion powers or making Fran a mini Poison Ivy
The fact you describe her hair coloration being similar to a portobello mushroom makes me lean more towards Poison Ivy-esque powers. Although, illusion powers are so cool, too
I mean her main power can always be the nature one and her secondary power is illusions?