...I'm curious about how you hear color- Hey, at least you guys probably haven't gotten nightmares from comedies about Frankenstien like I did at 8.
Oh, dreams are so weird- Because I can still get those and see those. I guess my conscience brain just can't bring up anything- How dare- Anyways, the way I hear color is unbeknownst to me. It just has a texture and certain sound that I can basically almost trick myself into hearing, I guess? Like an auditory hallucination but on purpose. Red, for example has a very rough, sandpaper like texture and sounds likes a high pitched noise that makes you want to grab your ears- Kind of like nails on a chalkboard, but more grinding.
How you guys view things (or don't view things I suppose-) is really interesting! I don't have much trouble visualising characters, I tend to have a pretty clear picture in my head, but I have to "put on a mask" of the character sometimes and like method-act how they would act. I always start with personality with characters too. I start with how I want them to act and then their appearance just falls into place in accordance to how they would act, yknow?
I usually start on a super rough personality, work a little bit on their appearance, then figure out what I'm gonna name them before I finish everything. I don't know why, but I do it in that wonky order
Randolph being a third wheel is sending me
that was my biggest post on this thread so far, 3.7k words >:)
Zak is so confused at Ka, ha- Acilia's gonna still be trying to play her game, and at this point Ka's just gonna be deadpan serious and all. Also, whoa, that's long :o
Holy crap-your fingers need a revive.