No, Although I Probably Should Try To Get A Code To Make One; It Would Be Much More Organized. Just Credit The WP For Now.
We all good with that? ~ @Brew, Gotta cater to the people ✨ ~ @Lackadaisy, I love your art, realized I haven't said that yet *^*
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the boyfriends are boyfriending 😌 -- crucible you make us all very happy lol It's been a long while since you made an RP i didn't join
@Brew, It's my job, and I do it well 😌 True :3
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Salem, Thanks! | Tea, Are We Actually Going To Have Them Start Out As Or End Up Dating?
Lackadasiy totally up to you :D it might be easier if they were already dating but it could also be cute to have them fall in love
Perhaps Start Them Out Dating, And Leave The Falling In Love To Charlie.
i am FIGHTING DEMONS on picrew right now >.>
Elaborate, If You Will? For Both Our Sakes? And My Slight Concern?
my computer is old as dirt and took like thirty seconds to respond to any click and was singing the song of death and I was getting really pissed lol -- its better now though, and I have a picrew of a Quinnovan kiss and just one of Donnie for when I get more art heheh