
Moonshire Pack said: Name: ibis paint xFree/Paid: free to download but you can permanently buy brushes or watch a videoURL: https://apkpure.com/ibis-paint-x/jp.ne.ibis.ibispaintx.app Review/Features: I use for allmy art, very outstanding way to draw

Autodesk Sketchbook (Pro Edition)
I've had Autodesk for about a year and a half now - on my 7" Samsung Tablet. A few months ago I finally purchased the Pro Tools - which made me finally prefer digital art over traditional.
The Pro Tools are excellent! And incredibly cheap! It includes so many brushes - Around 160! Including texture brushes, synthestic paint and any other brush you could ever need. The interface is easy to navigate and the Gallery is an awesome feature (in the app) and the unlimited layer system, clipping mask, HSL Ajustment, Color Balance/Belnding and the ability to import images + many more features makes it perfect for drawing, colouring linearts and making photomanips. I haven't quite found out a way to colour premade greyscales though, although im guessing its possible.
I recommend this to everyone, beginner or professional. I find it much easier to navigate then Photoshop and other desktop art programs - this app is perfect for tablets/phones but I do know there is a PC version.

aspen said:
Autodesk Sketchbook - Free Edition https://www.sketchbook.com/?locale=en
Someone can do a in-depth on the Paid Edition please~ I have seen people say the free edition is not as good or horrible, that is not true if you are not a professional artist.
Although it only provides 3 layers (unlimited via purchase), it's good enough for adoptables I'd say. It's a easy-to-learn app for digital art beginners, downloadable on Apple devices, Android* devices, Windows, etc.
Some people said there isn't a bucket fill tool for the free edition, this might need confirmation ^^' It seems to have different features on different devices..
*Some of my friends have reported that on their Android phones, although the Pro version being free, they are unable to have a transparent background..
No, there isn't a fill bucket on the free edition, but it does come with the Pro Tools. As to make the transparent background, you have to click the little grey eye on the Background layer, and it will become transparent. And I believe its on the free version as well.

I'm here to review Krita! ^^
I've personally used it for about a year now, before even knowing that WP had a link for it. Krita is a fun and easy way to show off your arting skills! There's only a few things that I personally get annoyed with when it comes to it. My one main issue is that when I save my art, sure it saves and whatnot, but say I ever want to post it, I have to use the snipping tool that comes with my computer. Besides that, there's nothing else for me to really complain. If you ever want more brushes, you can just look up some brush packs or bundles and you don't need to buy them. A nice thing with Krita is that once you get it, you don't need to pay. I got mine on the Microsoft Store as an app and it was $10, so it just really depends on where you get it from. Here's a few things that I've done with Krita.
https://i.postimg.cc/fyvrxNGZ/x-QKn-Iw-O-1.png Edited at November 12, 2018 12:44 AM by Scarred Hearts

Namephotopea Free/Paid free <div align="left"> URLhttps://www.photopea.com/ Review/Features fabulous app if you're poor like me and can't afford photoshop or if you have a trashbag as a brain like me and can't understand what the hell is happening with all the buttons in fire alpaca/ gimp simplified, free, online, easy to access version of photoshop supports abr brushes and psd files and for the love of god masking yes
i use photopea on my computer for recolors of psd bases and create my commissions and bases on autodesk sketchbook which is now totes free btw Edited at December 28, 2018 10:03 AM by trashdeer

Imma review Firealpaca... Name: Firealpaca Free/Paid: Totally 100% free! URL: https://firealpaca.com Review/Features: I like Firealpaca because its straightforward, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what the icons mean. It has all the basics that an art program should have, lots of brushes, a bucket tool, layers, select tool, magic wand etc. It even has it's own alpaca brush! AND! You can even animate little gifs with it! No extension required! Even tho I have adobe illustrator and photoshop, I use Firealpaca. The other ones are too laggy for me... I make all my art with it! https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=5&t=25126

Isnt Autodesk Sketchbook free? I remember when I got a notification about it being free. You just have to make an account. Please correct me if I am wrong ^^' Edited at January 18, 2019 01:54 AM by Carnivore

Carnivore said: Isnt Autodesk Sketchbook free?I remember when I got a notification about it being free. You just have to make an account. Please correct me if I am wrong ^^'
There is a free version of Autodesk Sketchbook and you can also upgrade to the pro version.
However, extreme setback with the free version is you are limited to 3 layers

Autodesk Sketchbook is free though. The pro version has been free for quite a while now lmao. You just need an account to log into LOL

trash said: Autodesk Sketchbook is free though.The pro version has been free for quite a while now lmao. You just need an account to log into LOL
The pro version is free now? >.> Well then XD