Sunny, School has already started for me. We're almost finished for the year. We go all the way 'till December then have a break 'till February.
Lost, oh wow nope i start the 26 and go to open house the 18th
Welp hi everyone who is y'all today?
Whoops, kind of forgot about this chat, my bad! - Zuzu, Hey! It's all good, hopefully you're doing well. - Sun, I'm doing pretty good, you?
I got a soda, went to the local pool, tried to get my soda, and some bees were trying to make a goddamn nest on my soda. my left hand is currently wrapped in adhesive bandages. Fuck bees.
Neo, oof im allergic to bees Midnight, same here just atemting to pashently wiat for the 26th
Neo, Oof, that sounds awful. I've never been stung by a bee, but I've heard it's painful. I my front door was attacked by chickens, but it sounds like you've got a war story. XD Sun, Ooo, what happens the 26th?
Midnight, school starts for me. Last year i did school from home but this year and im ganna be in school and i cant wait
Sun, Oh, glad to see some people still enjoy school these days. My brothers complain about it often, I myself have mixed feelings lol.
Midnight, well i havent been able to see my frinds for over a year so yeah and ill get to see my crush