
Devil's Gambit said: That was the Moths Prank, right? CriesInTheNight said: I believe in 2020 we had moth wings on wolves as an april fools prank, if i remember correctly. that was neat^^
Yea, and everybody's avatar was a moth.

Will the other events like The Secret admir. In feburay be added to this list?

Will the January event be added to this guide?

Q: Do the event tokens for one event roll over for next year's?

Yep The_Seekers said: Q: Do the event tokens for one event roll over for next year's?

An update for April Fools: Wolves wore veggie gold chains (celery, broccoli, etc) & had Gang nicknames (Ramen Gang, etc), avatars turned to gifs, and you could buy the veggies as Familiars. I'm not exactly sure what veggies, but we can gather the pieces!

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Working on updating this guide! If anyone can remember the April Fool's event for this year and 2021 it'd be hugely helpful as I've forgotten! D:
Also anything else missing from the guide, please let me know.
[Am in process of updating the gear and decor inventory for the current event] Edited at July 1, 2023 08:04 AM by Eternity