Hey there! If this role-play isn't closed, I'd be glad to join :) Please note, I'm a bit rusty as I haven't written actively in about a year, but I used to be all over the RP threads back in the day.
Patch Capon
Gender (Male or Female):
Female, but is masquerading as a male. Think Gentleman Jack. More on this later.
Role (and profession):
Soldier, Knight
What is your experience with this role?
Patch took on the guise of a rooster to gain independence from her flock. She heard of young cocks who were trained up as soldiers, and were in turn able to travel the world while learning the meanings of the universe. This was infinitely more fascinating, much more appealing than falling prey to the (ever increasing) clutches of her colony as a brood hen. However, in the old-fashioned country she was raised, only male chickens were permitted to train. On that sunny-side up day, an eggscape plan was hatched!
Patch managed to secure a job at the cockfight arenas for the next couple months as a maidhen, watching the males spar, imitating the ways they moved and carried themselves. Once the males were done for the day, Patch would make a sweep of the arena pick up any fallen tail plumes dropped from the ruckus. When she had a sufficient amount of funds and plumes from her job-- one could even say she'd killed two birds with one stone--, Patch meticulously glued and grafted the best looking plumes to her own lackluster tail feathers. She could not immitate the brassy manes and large combs of her male counterparts, but Patch could just as easily wear clothing to cover up what she was so obviously missing.
Next, she embarked on a journey to see which training academies would take her in. She was rejected by all of them at the door. However, as she was about to leave the very last one, Patch encountered a rooster that was chickening out of the process. A deal was struck, Patch would take his identity, so long as she sent regular updates to his family.
Patch went through training, where she was initially mocked and bawked at, not because she was female or smaller looking, but because of her unique appearance. Her tail was nothing like any of them had seen before, and they gave her the nickname Patch for her motley appearance, as well as her shawl she always wore which made her look like a pheasant (pun intended). Through the following months, Patch earned the respect of her fellow colleagues by performing on par with the academu standard, and decided to graduated with the new moniker to represent her creation.
Dreading the monotonous role of guard, Patch was deployed as a knight to deal with crime in the surrounding area. Currently, she is a soldier for the prince, which is one of the most exciting things she has ever done.
What do you think about the uprising?
Before being hired: now that Patch has her way, she's pretty much indifferent to it. She only dreads being forced to fight against her own people, the working class, in the name of henous (heinous) nobility who she owes nothing.
After being hired: MONEY. She means, ahem. Patch is not helping the nobility against the rebellion, if she's only protecting an innocent life. No chicken should die in the name of uprising.
What do you think about the king?
Indifferent. She's never met him.
Majority of the time smaller than her opponents, Patch does a lot of ducking for a chicken! Aside from the standard beak and talons, Patch's weapons are centered around finesse. She carries her trusty rapier called Yolktale around on her back, and over the years of having to reglue new feathers again and again, Patch has adapted the technique into a sort of weaponization for the first three flight feathers of each wing: each is tipped with a long sharp silver cap. She doesn't use this often as it is rather inefficient and requires her to get close to her opponents.

Just your run of the mill regular brown hen. I mean, rooster? She is averaged sized, with slightly gangly legs, and has two golden eyes that are always brimming with energy. Patch doesn't really care, even since she moved to the big city, she's become fond of the tail plumes. She enjoys the looks of confusion she gets when she removes her cloak, and since the move Patch has been adding progressively more and more obviously non-blending feathers, to the point where it's like a bouquet. Some say she adds a new one whenever she defeats an opponent in a cockfight. She is averaged sized, with slightly gangly legs, and has two golden eyes that are always brimming with energy.
For clothing, she wears a deep green cloak for panache when she spins around, and it also covers up her lack of glossy black male feathers. On her hat she wears a bycocket of the same color with an ostrich plume from a majestic beast she once befriended. Yolktakes is silver with a handle that looks like a fox head.
Patch is a very outgoing, friendly, and charismatic gentlehen. She enjoys her little jokes and pecking around with friends, anyone who is capable of a good banter Patch likes immediately. Admittedly, she is a bit of a cad, which has wound her in a pinch or two, but Patch is working on this. Some strengths of Patch's are her unreserved friendliness to everyone around her, her skills with her rapier, and her ability to inhale unfathomable portions of food within an unholy short amount of time.
She makes sure to be friends with all the bartenders of all the local drinking facilities. Other than that, I will add to this as needed.
Patch left her colony of eighty-five chickens to live a free-range life. She has no emotional attachment to any of them, so these chickens are nothing but blood relatives.
Kevhen Capon, who Patch swapped places with. He is now pursuing a career in music as a crowing rooster.
I hope this was sufficient <3 I really am super rusty, and I don't normally flesh out personality or appearance that thoroughly, as I believe in getting to know other people's characters through the RP. If you'd like I can send you old examples of writing as well!