Stays United Pack
*Desired Rank:
Species(wolf or dog):
*Subspecies(If dog, type):
Harry is a quite the mix of a dog. He is a Anatolian German Shepard mix with a little bit of Pyrenees sprinkled into the mix.
Appearance(at least one paragraph):
Harry has the long fur, length of the muzzle, and tail of the shepard. His muzzle had the width of the pyrenees, and the black face of the anatolian. Facing the large dog his right ear stands up while the other one is flopped down. His eyes shine like chocolate diamonds.
His base coat color is a gentle light brown with the tips of it black down his back. His fur spikes up, almost like a wolfs, but not quite. When his coat gets wet he will look drowned until dry, and then he looks like a brown fur ball. His tail also is laced with the black tips on the top, and the tip is completely black.
His claws are short from digging, all but front claw are black. His paws seem almost too large for his huge body, and his teeth are thick, and rather sharp, though not as sharp as a wolf. His jaws are strong enough to rip through the skin of deer with ease.
Harry stands at 33 inches at his shoulder. His back slightly slopes like a shepards, but it isn't too bad. His back legs are never placed directly next to one another when in confirmation.

Personality(at least one paragraph):
"So, you think I'm nice? Think again."
Harry can be cocky, he can be rude, he can be just a straight up ass, but he can also be caring.... Once you get through the shell.
He trys to ignore the wolves, and it doesn't always go well for him. He'll make his dislike for something or someone well known, and once you cross his line, there is no going back to nice Harry. He's got no shame.
He can be a playboy, but once, or if he finds the right one he'll stick by their side. Mess with them, mess with him. He is very loyal, even if he doesn't act it, after all, it's kind of in his blood. He does however have a goofy side to him, and likes to mess around with his close friends/packmates.
He is a good dog to have on your side because of his tendency to guard his "herd". He was raised and taught to protect his flock with his life, and it shows when there are intruders.
"I will sit close by and just watch it all burn"
.Loyal. Harry is very loyal. He will plant his roots in once place, and won't be unrooted by anything.
.Guarding. Harry grew up guarding, and it's all he knows. If he feels that his pack is threatened he won't hesitant to attack the problem.
.Teaching others his ways. Harry loves to teach the young pups how to patrol, and the right way to guard the pack. If asked, he could and would go on for ages telling stories about his techniques
.Pups. Harry loves the little ones. He can never get enough of them, and can often be found play fighting them, and when asked about it, he'll respond with "I am just teaching them the way of life." as he has one or two of them pinned under his massive paws.
.Patrol. Harry adores to patrol. He can't help himself. He will always be the first one to volunteer.
.Pretty she-dogs. Harry is 100% a flirt. He just can't contain himself. He'll see one, and slide right over to her to talk, with all of his farm dog charm.
.Pups. As stated before; Harry loves to teach/train the young ones, and prepare them for guarding/protecting their pack.
.Water. Harry loves to splash in water when its hot. His long coat makes him hot so he can often times be found rolling around in the smallest puddle.
.Sunsets. Harry has always loved watching the sun go down, after all, thats when the true trouble comes out. The colors have always mesmerized him as well.
.Fire. Harry isn't a fan of fire. He got burned as a pup from getting to close to his humans burn pile while working out in the field.
.Wolves. Harry has a strong dislike for the wolves. He has a reason for it as well.
.Little humans. Harry never liked the smaller humans. They always tugged at him, poked him in the eyes and shoved their flat muzzled faces in his.
.Banana bread. Harry hates banana bread, he got a small taste of it once, and spat it out, trying to get the taste off of his tongue
Harry and his littermate were raised on a sheep and llama farm on the very edge of town. They were in charge of guarding the sheep. They were taken off their mother a bit too early, nearly six weeks old to be put in with the sheep. He loved life with his littermate. He has fond memorys of playing with her as pups, and guarding their flock together. While she would stay back with the flock he would go and patrol, looking for any danger. He'd gotten really good at taking down the coyotes, but they never had gotten to face a pack of wolves because they weren't in the area at the time of them growing up.
Once the wolves were reintroduced the pack came for their flock. The wolves killed every single one of their sheep, and his sister as well. He'd been chained up the night of the attack because he'd gotten out and had been running around the town that day. All he could do was lung at the wolves while barking, watching his sister and flock get killed one by one.
His farmer came out the next morning to find his collar chewed through by him while he laid next to his dead sister. He got released out into the wild when they sold the farm not too long later.
His deepest regret was that he wasn't able to help his sister, and would do anything for those days back, care free puppies playfighting out in the pasture with their flock. He'll tear up, and bare his teeth at a wolf, but won't attack unless told to do so by his alpha. He has made is his goal after getting taken into the Stray United Pack to never let what happened to his flock happen to his pack, he'd much rather die then to sit by and watch it all happen again.
Other: Both pictures are mine, and I'll update/add more soon :')