Granted, but now others have a hard time accepting you. -- I wish that I was incapable of becoming sick. 🤧
Granted, but you now live in a lab where scientists run multiple tests on you to figure out why you don't get sick - I wish I could be lazy and get away with it :3
Granted. Now you have been glued to a chair. The reason you get away with your transgressions is your predicament... Oh no! ~ I wish I could figure out drawing, it looks real fun.
Granted But the only thing you could draw is worms I wish... I wish for 100 apples that I get to chance to spend each and every last one of them (got that out of the way :) !)
Granted, but now everybody swarms you asking for apples, which you give them out of generosity and confidence, which in turn prevents Eve from earning money and gets the game shut down permanently within a month. -- I wish that I went to school today (and it was great).
Granted but none of your friends were there and you had a test in most of your classes, but it was still great. --------- I wish that I can end the wrestling season with more won matches than lost matches.
No friends there and tests? Awesome. That means that I was on time to all of my classes and most likely made 100s since the tests were over last semester stuff. And I only have 6 classes this semester. 😎 Looks like my semester average is starting off in the 100s. -- Granted, but in the final match, you ended up obtaining an injury that would prevent you from ever wrestling again. But hey! At least you went out with a bang! -- I wish that I could just come out to everybody regardless of whether they support or not with full confidence. (I came out to a close friend named Michael today, and they reacted well, but that was fully terrifying.)
Damn, I see how it is then. --- Granted no buts, it's so much easier doing this than being stuck in the closet. Trust me I was there. ------ I wish that I could have any food I wanted on command and it would appear in my hand. Edited at January 16, 2023 12:01 AM by Greenfall
Granted, but everything is always over salted, no matter what food or beverage it may be. ➶➴➷➹ I wish for rollerskates Edited at January 17, 2023 11:51 PM by Firefly Cove
Granted but it has triangular wheels
I wish for a new pandemic