
Since there was no question asked, I'm just going to go ahead and answer the previous one as well as provide a new one. 11:11 said:
Guilty, although it generally depends on what your definition of that is... a couple bear encounters, a large, angry cow moose encounter, almost swerved off of the road a couple times to avoid hitting a deer, almost drowned once
have you ever been alone in the middle of the woods at night?
I've basically been "alone" a few times. During camping trips, me and my friends would take walks alone at night. Sometimes our walks would devolve into more childish games like tag, and sometimes we'd end up very far from each other. Though, wouldn't say entirely alone. So, somewhat guilty?
Have you ever put salt in someone else's drink while they weren't paying attention?

Innocent. I guess I'm not that creative of a prankster cx
Have you accidentally ever tried to get in the wrong car in the parking lot?

Guilty, but I never actually touched the car.
Ever had heated debates with the Beetles game on this site? I've threatened to stop playing it before.

I've been mad at the game, but never that...
Have you ever been so close to a tornado on the road, so close you could see it.
(Tbh when that happened to me I thought I was gonna die)

Guilty. I lived to tell the tale though ^^
Have you ever accidentally knocked a display/item over in the store and just left it there (out of embarrassment or laziness cx)

Innocent. I've never done that, but I'm guilty for knocking plenty of shirts off their hangers. I always convince myself to put them back though.
Have you ever jumped over a fence to someone else's yard to get something you may have accidentally thrown/kicked over? (like a ball, frisbee, etc) Edited at July 2, 2019 11:50 AM by Senbonzakura Storm

Guilty, although I wasn't exactly graceful while doing it..
Have you ever come up with sad scenarios to make yourself cry?

Guilty, I once did that in 3rd grade to get someone in trouble...
Have you ever messed up a painting or ripped it somehow?

Guilty. I've accidentally got water on one of my paintings, or I've left the painting out and it somehow ripped.
Have you ever procrastinated for so long that you forget what you were supposed to be doing?

Super guilty. I almost failed my mid-term because I was on WP all night and didnt study.
Ever blamed your friend saying they did it not you when your parents asked and found out.