
Guilty, very guilty - Ever randomly not be able to spell a simple word?

Innocent, actually! But only because I made up little rhymes for how to spell everything when I was little :) Ever randomly want to lie flat on the floor?

Guilty, I do it all the time. Have you ever just zoned out for a while and then realized you haven't eaten anything at all for that day?

...Guilty...I'm currently- oh wait I should probably eat now that you mention it... - Ever send a message purely written by autocorrect to your friend to see how confused they get?
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Guilty. Only once though. Yet. - Ever done something just because you can?

Guilty, all the time. - Have you ever not been able to stop yourself from doing an intrusive thought?
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Guilty. I am a very impulsive person and I dont think before I act on a thought - Have you ever found yourself looking at someone and wanting to be them so bad that you think you have a crush on them?

Guilty, happens so much I think it's getting creepy... - Heya, ever overthink where something is? Or overthink tiny questions or tasks?

Guilty, spelling - Ever microwaved something that said "Do NOT microwave"?

Guilty. Always. Haven't died yet - Ever thought someone was waving at you so you wave back but they were waving at a person behind you?