Granted, but now you will struggle to wake up. -- I wish I were a young male who lived alone in a cold environment where it's comfortable and safe with excellent signal/WiFi so I can listen to all of my preferred songs.
Granted, but you can only wear summer clothes despite the cold, so if you go outside you will freeze. ~~ I wish I could go to sleep easily and wake up easily without feeling tired throughout the day or night.
That is my preferred style regardless of anything. 😎 -- Granted, but now you can hear everything that goes on.
Granted. However, everytime you fall asleep you end up sleep walking to the shady bathroom at the gas station down the street. Last stall. - - - I wish I was shorter. 🥺
Granted but now you can't climb onto anything if it's to tall. Like a stool. --------- I wish that I could talk to stuffed animals and they would talk back and only I could hear them. Edited at August 13, 2022 05:37 PM by Greenfall
Granted, but its the exact same as talking to your pet - all you hear is animal noises. - I wish I had better studying habits in school
Granted but now you forget everything you studied. ----------- I wish I was able to write the best book or book series in the world.
Granted, but nobody ever notices it until you pass. -- I wish I was great at singing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.
Granted. But you lose your other senses. - Wishing I can travel overseas and visit USA sooner than later.
Granted, but you have no time to stop for long periods of time and sightsee. -- I wish that I could just take anything (free) without consequences.