
Guilty.. I've passed out mid conversation with the same friend over two dozen times. - Have you ever tricked someone into thinking you were dating your bestie because of how you treat her when in reality you both had no idea they thought that you both were gay when really your bestie is straight? ..totally not guilty of this..

Innocent... I was only allowed to have christian friends, and they all thought I was straight. (I wasn't and did have a crush on my bestie) - Ever overshared with someone you thought you could trust only to have them stab you in the back and tell everyone you know? (... Totally not guilty 😅)

(It only happened online cuz me and my bestie are really close and I really can't blame my friend for thinking we were dating XD) I think I'm innocent? I was stabbed in the back for another reason that felt even worse than that probably. - Have you ever creeped someone out by talking about something you find cool?

(Yikes, if you need to talk my pms are open 💙) Guilty as charged - Have you ever had your friend send you a su!cide hotline number because they heard you singing a song about being depressed?-

not guilty... that sounds fun apart from the fact that i cant sing though... :/// lmao Have you ever binge watched all of the hobbit films,The lord of the rings AND the power of the rings in one day....... (not guilty??.... okay fine i admit it... xD

Innocent. I've never seen any of those *cries* - Have you ever accidentally gotten attached to a group of people online and now you're in a gang of somekind after 2 years?

Innocent. I think my best friend might be guilty of that though... ... Ever get burnt out over something that doesn't really matter?

Guilty.. too often. - Ever feel left out even though you have so much to do?

Guilty. Yes. -- Ever have somebody ask you out and you said you're not ready for a relationship period and then you end up with someone else? Edited at June 5, 2023 12:18 PM by Grim Reaper

Innocent #singlepringle Ever caught a microwave on fire by heating up a burger for ten seconds (there was no foil or wrapping of any kind, not even a plate was added)