
Innocent. I waited until I was 13 years old to do a lot of Internet accounts. -- Have you ever written or drawn something on a dirty car? Edited at December 21, 2022 10:33 PM by ijdme

Guilty! Ever made talking hands under your desk when your teacher started to drone? (Probably not recently, I'm talking, like, elementary school here)

Innocent Have you ever forgotten your own age?

I don't think so. That is something I would have forgotten though. 😅 -- Have you ever had an awesome day and then just for some reason get super anxious or forget why it was awesome and then it becomes suddenly not awesome anymore?

Innocent. Does not sound like something that has happened to me. ~~~ Have you ever meant to sit on a chair but missed it and fell on the floor?

innocent, i always use my hands to feel the chair before sitting down juuuuust in case xD =-=-= ever sat down doing work or anything at 3am and randomly convinced yourself there could be someone or something standing behind you-

GULITY This happens to me all the time and I freak out and reach for my pocket to grab something for self defense. --- Have you ever passed out by holding your breath?

Innocent, but I've been close --- Have you ever just forgotten how to breath?

Innocent, but --- Have you ever been mad at yourself because you thought about how you don't even have to think about swallowing your salivay because it's automatic and then it was no longer? xD Maybe that's just me.

Guilty. :| -- Have you ever played Solitare? Edited at January 10, 2023 09:00 PM by ijdme