
Stxrmmix <3 said: Guilty... -- Ever found it annoying when your family members don't flush the toilet after using it at night?
Innocent (Only child privileges) - Ever had the heat over 100 degrees only to have your ac break?

Inocent. My family hasn't had ac for, like, 5 years so we live through the heat of the summer. ---- Have you ever had some one tell you that they're going to do something fun while you're away?

Not while I'm away, but my cousins were visiting us and ditched because 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 were given the chance to go to the beach. The youngest came up and told me straight to my face "you can finish watching the movie alone if you want. I'm going with them so we can go to the beach!" -- Have you ever had someone say that they'd be right back and end up waiting a few hours? Edited at August 6, 2023 11:09 PM by Jack Frost

Guilty, and then staring at your phone like stupid for an hour? Yeah... ---- Ever pretended you were asleep to get carried from the car into your bed as a kid?

100% Guilty, only a million times! My parents always fell for it XD - Have you ever stayed up really late reading, then fallen asleep on your book?

Guilty, I'm more likely to do that then pull an all nighter. - Have you ever stayed up really late the night before a big day and got caught by someone?

Got caught? Pfft. Amateur. I honestly never got caught. If I ever got caught, it wasn't a "big day". It was just a regular school night. -- Have you ever tried to help so many people at once that it stressed you out, but because you don't have the heart/guts to tell them that you need a breather, you end up stressing yourself out more and then causing more chaos then help? 😫

Guilty. To the point of neglecting my own life. -- Have you ever eaten a wafer cookie like a beaver?

Guilty.... ~~~ Have you ever fractured your thumb?

Innocent. Have you ever eaten fried pickle ice cream?