
Guilty. -- Ever get yelled at by parents for not answering whenever you were sleeping?

Guilty. Happened to me when i was younger and only to find out there was a tornado warning. :') Also another time when i was sleepin' and my sister decided to straight up yell my name. ---- Ever hate a cousin so much you want to [censor] them?

Innocent as a child never now some mear mortals yes but my kin no ever binge watch a show then feel annoyed you must wait for the next half of a season or the next season?

Guilty, even though I don't watch much tv. ----- Have you ever watched/read something you regreted later? like a spoiler of something

Guilty , I read the Cruft's show winner 2019 in a newspaper and I was very annoyed at myself. ~~~~~ Hmm, Ever made a friend of someone you don't like?

Guilty! Was friends with them about 5-6 years before they moved and it was a forced friendship in gradeschool. :') -- Ever been rick rolled by someone you want to curse them out?

Innocent- although I have never really been rickrolled XD Have you ever rickrolled someone then felt scared about everything they sent you/said in case they rickrolled you back?

Innocent, I don't mind getting rickrolled. I like the music :,) ---- Have you ever gotten annoyed because someone took to long to get food?

Guilty... -- Ever found it annoying when your family members don't flush the toilet after using it at night?

Ignore this, double post. :") Edited at July 28, 2022 09:08 PM by Stxrmmix <3