
Guilty, but not those exact digits or place. I think it was a grocery store or something. -- Ever forget to do something and not remember until you were comfortable under your covers/blankets so you just said "screw it" and stayed comfortable?

Guilty as all hell... So many half-baked school assignments. It's all in the past now though, good times. ~ Have you ever stolen something from someone?

Guilty. My mothers socks. lol --- Have you ever said "im gonna wake up at this time" and press snooze repeatly.

Guilty. I'm sure we've all done it lol, most of the time I just turn off the alarm and go back to sleep. ~~ Have you ever skipped school before one of your last classes?

Guilty.. Done that so many times in my junior year. -- Ever had thoughts of running away?

guilty, used to think about it all the time when I lived on my old property. We had so much land and lived in a forest it would've been easy. Never actually did though. Farthest I cam to running away was climbing on the roof. ~~ Have you ever broke a dish because you were so mad or upset?

Innocent (Although my mom once threw a glass bowl at me when mad once, good thing I was good at dodging) Have you ever had a random thought of strangling someone you love just because? Not because you were mad at them or anything.

Guilty, but mostly siblings becuase they're being annoying. ---- Have you ever done a group project and forgot to do your part until the last moment?

Innocent, never been in a group project
Ever started working on something for someone's birthday, until you realize that you started too late and you're not going to get it done?

Innocent, although I have done that with other projects. Ever told someone your secrets after a big breakdown only to find they are the biggest gossip around?