
Guilty. My family thinks I belong in a mental asylum, I swear! XD Have you ever broke anyone up, so you could be an a relationship with them instead?

No clue what your trying to say but innocent? I've never dated anyone before ^^' ~~ Have you ever told your older sibling to shut up?

Innocent until proven guilty; I am the oldest sibling. 💀 -- Have you ever had a really negative opinion on something/someone, but then felt bad after they did something nice for/to you and/or gave it a chance and the results were positive? Yeah.. I may or may not have been like that to a few people and foods..

Guilty. There was this girl in school that I didn't like because I was jealous that she was spending more time with my best friend, but she left. The girl came back a few years later and we actually ended up becoming good friends, -------- Have you ever regreted telling a parent or gardian something?

Gulity. So many times.
Have you ever literally growled at someone?

Guilty, I have issues XD --- Ever act like you were in an emotional musical?

Innocent 😇 --- Ever wish you weren't cousins with your cousin because you think they're kinda cute?

um hell no Innocent ever qustion all you know and why humans live?

Guilty. It's kinda like a hobby for me.
Have you ever chewed on a plastic water bottle lid like it was a piece of gum?

extremely guilty. - fantasized more than once about fistfighting Jesus in a Wendy's parking lot?