
Guilty, I was going to our garage, (we used to have a garage like 60 feet away from the house) to go feed the dog, when I slipped on some black ice. Nowadays I just gotta walk through a door to get to the garage XD ~~ Have you ever stepped on a snake by accident? totally not something I did last summer ;-;

Innocent. Never stepped on a snake, but the little garden snakes would somehow get into the house all the time when I was little. I would pick them up and put them back outside. ~~~~~~~ Have you ever stolen rocks from gift shops, like at the museum, or rock stores? I might've done that... a lot...

Guilty, I- they were so easy to take, looking back on it I think I was a dumb little kid- I I regret it ~~ Have you ever stolen something from a store because your parent wouldn't buy it for you? May have taken a flip flop key chain when I was 6

Innocent. Have you ever dived into a pool that said no diving?

Guilty, It was literally swimming lessons 8 years ago and they told me to dive- ~~ Told you parent you'd rather live in a foster home then with them

Guilty.... My parents and I did not get along... I moved out the day after I turned 18 . Best thing I ever did for myself. Have you ever made cheese? (I make a homemade Farmers Cheese for a homemade Cheesecake, and I wanted to see if I'm weird since the people I ask look at me like I'm crazy <.>)

Innocent. I don't actually like cheese, but I don't think it's weird at all. Have you ever heard a sound in the middle of the night, been convinced it was a murderer, and just sadly resigned yourself to your fate?

Innocent, I have heard sounds, and assumed that, but I've never resigned myself to my fate XD I've always grabbed a weapon and yelled loudly or prayed if I was super scared- ~~ Have you ever spent all your mushrooms on the Wolf party only to get duds?

Guilty and I never got my GB T^T - - Have you ever thrown a rock at someone's head and then walk away before they noticed that you did it? Edited at April 25, 2022 08:25 PM by Forgotten Bones

Half guilty? It was a pinecone XD but yeah ~~ Have you ever spam texted someone since they wouldn't reply to your messages?