
Innocent, I do almost drown though- never have learned how to swim except for doggy paddling.. ---- Have you ever put your fingers in the door and slammed it? Edited at January 15, 2022 11:16 PM by SWIFT BLUIE <3

Guilty, I was walking through the door and turned back around to talk to someone putting my hand on the door frame, then I grabbed the door handle and was playing around but fell, causing my hand to be caught in the door frame with the other pulling the door shut. Lol that was confusing. Have you ever thrown something away and then realized you actually needed it but you couldn't get it back?

Guilty, I have on many occasions thrown away food packaging only to realize I forgot how long to cook the food in the microwave. Have you ever been stung by a bee or wasp?

Innocent, my mom is allergic so I'm cautious. --- Ever burned yourself on a hot pan?

Guilty, it hasn't happened often and it never was bad. --- Have you ever seen a wall that is in front of you, but it didn't register in your head that you are supposed to turn so that you didn't hit it, so you did hit it?

Somewhat innocent. I've done it with poles because I sort of forgot poles are physical things you can walk into. Have you ever had to pee a little and chugged a bunch of water beforehand to maximize peeing abilities? Edited at January 23, 2022 10:55 PM by Freedom

Guilty lol omg can't believe this xD Ever went off on someone for something you did but never realized it at the moment and then late felt bad because you in fact did it and yelled at them for it?

Guilty.. I still do that sometimes- -- Ever get caught on a door while you're in a mood, untangle yourself, and hit the door for punishment cause it ruined your exit?

Innocent 😇. However I can picture it happening. -- Have you ever tried to fake being good at something and totally mess up at it that everyone knows that you were faking it?

Innocent. But I know people who've done that ~ Have you ever been called out for just standing in a corner and being awkwards during a party?