
Innocent. Though I did that with my phone. xD Have you ever got so scared after watching a horror movie, bring your cat/dog with you in the bathroom?

guilty she hated it though . ever threated someone and they thretend to call the cops?

Guilty. It was sarcastic on both sides though. . Have you ever pretended to die in front of your dog, to see what (if anything) your dog would do? Edited at September 11, 2021 12:35 AM by Evenfall Lament

Innocent? I did it in front of my cat. She didn't really care lmao. . Have you ever done/said something that makes someone very uncomfortable as a joke?

guilty . ever thought about doing something got it set up and then were like nah i dont want to do this?

Guilty. I was going to get my novel finished. The computer was moved (huge old desktop) and is sitting somewhere now since I new set it back up. ------- Ever plotted something devious then chicken out at the very last minute?

guilty guilty, was this close to snatching my dog and snagging a credit card and yoinking myself across the country - . ever claimed to be capable of something you absolutely weren't, and ended up having to attempt said thing?

guilty although it was something like climbing the spider at school and sitting at the top or doing the monkey bars . ever almost run off a cliff?

Innocent ^^" I avoid cliffs- - Ever slammed into a tree at a high speed?

Innocent, I did run into a wall though at one point- ***** Have you ever faked drowning in a pool just to see if anybody would notice?