
Innocent (does drinking water from a drink after my dog count?) Have you ever food tested, as in eating it yourself, every dog treat brand you gave your dog before you gave it to them?

Innocent? They rarely get dog treats. I just give them small chunks of whatever meat I didn't eat mixed in their food. So yes I guess I taste test their treats since its human food? :p
Have any of you ever set a corndog on fire? In the microwave... Yeah I'm not sure how but I did it ;-; Edited at January 16, 2020 11:55 AM by Embers Rising

Innocent! (Oh no, your poor corndog!) I may have been close to burning it though- Have you ever breed a bunch of your females, only to find that you have 0 den space, and no unwanted wolves?

Innocent. Have you ever lied and not known why?

Innocent. Ha... Have you ever seen something you wanted, not bought it and then realized you could've used it later?
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Quilty. Happened to me before in video games. :P Have you ever had your head shaved bald? Edited at January 18, 2020 06:45 PM by Pudding Cup

Innocent have you ever farted in public, and blamed it on someone’s else?

Innocent! Although my brothers do that to me all the time. :/ When you're reading, have you ever said "just me finish this chaper!" and then an hour later, you realize you might have read a little more than that chapter? (I do that all the time!)

Guilty as all hell :'D Have you even fallen asleep at your desk?

Innocent ever laugh at humans being dumd