
Innocent. I have a great fear of expired food, and often enlist my mom to taste check everything for me. Especially pickles. Have you ever tried desperately to negotiate with the Beetle game?

innocent have you ever had a crush on a legend?

Innocent xP Havw you ever accidentally retired a wolf that you meant to keep?

guilty! have you ever pretended to know or like something to get another person's attention?

Guilty. Ive done it a few times. Once with guys and Fortnight. Have you ever had a crush on a tv star who is now twice your age? Edited at January 5, 2020 03:13 PM by Armonia

Guilty. All the time. Have you ever given your (or someone elses') dog food you didn't/couldn't eat?

guilty. i wouldn't purposely give a dog anything i know could be harmful for their system, but i can't stand chicken so sometimes i would give leftover cooked (plain) chicken to our dog so i could get out of eating it hehe ever burned something in the microwave??

you don't want to know how guilty I am... Have you ever showed any emotion (like crying, dancing or laughing)? I've danced at one guys wedding and cried at his "death".

Guilty. Have you ever tried food specifically meant for a pet?

Innocent Ever eat something potentially dangerous but are still alive by sheer will power?