
<div style="text-align: center;">innocent. not really into those kind of television shows with the rare exception of Law and Order: SVU and more comedic versions, like Tacoma F.D. or Castle. ( check out the last two, Castle primarily. <3 )
<div style="text-align: center;">have you ever done something just to see if you could do it? ( ie. stealing food from a friend, jumping off of a roof. )

Have you ever stolen something?

Like candy from my siblings as a child? Definitely guilty. But other than that, I try not too. I almost walked out of a store with a roll of duct tape that I didn't pay for, nor did I need. The cashier was ringing up my stuff, and I was looking at the tape. I just wasn't paying attention and I started to walk out the the store. The cashier didn't notice either, even though it was in plain sight.
Have you ever made French fries from scratch?

Innocent. Sounds good though!
Have you ever accidently ruined someone's life for your own personal gain, then not tell them for fear of losing what you have achieved.

Have you ever killed a bug, then felt bad?

Guilty. Every time I kill a spider, I feel weird and sad. Little dude's just trying to get by, man, I didn't have to do him like that.
Have you ever gotten ridiculously emotional over a fictional death?

Guilty. Sometimes when I read Warrior Cats and a cat I like dies, I get sad. Not like bawling crying, but I feel bad.
Have you ever bought something that you thought you needed, but actually didn't and now regret buying it.

Guilty. I bought a pair of Bluetooth headphones to listen to music with yesterday, turns out my phone can't sync with the brand.
Ever accidently step on your pet and feel bad because they don't understand your human apology..

Guilty. I step on her foot and I am like "Aww ooh are you ok?!?"
Have you ever decided to eat healthier for once and keep eating a "small bit" (a lot) of sweets?

Hasn't everyone?
Have you ever had a violent confrontation with someone IRL? 😑🤔