
Guilty. That's at least a once a week experience. I've been unable to learn from my mistakes apparently.
Have you ever just skipped dinner because you're too lazy to make anything?

Guilty >.>'' I rarely skip now adays but a good month or so back...Yeah.
Have you ever gone to do something, realise you don't want to do that or should do something else first, but end up continuing what you were originally going to do anyway?

Guilty. All the time, especially with my show cattle. Me: I should probably catch Mojo before I rinse Lee off. *proceeds to rinse Lee before catching Mojo*
Or: I dont want to work with the steers today. *Ponders before catching steers and working with them*
Have you ever disliked or liked someone because of a dream that you had with them in it? (Good or bad dream)

Innocent. I do have creepy dreams where people die and then people with the same name die the same way in the real world though... Have you ever blanked out and accidentally caused damage by doing so? (this totally has never happened to me. The scorch marks in the kitchen are not from me blanking out after putting a metal spoon in the microwave or after catching a piece of toast on fire in the toaster.) Edited at August 19, 2019 05:08 PM by Diggie

Guilty, aha. Though the damage was not to an item nor human -- I vaguely remember blanking out and landing on the ground a while later, good thing is it doesn't hurt most of the time?
Have you ever seen someone you know on the internet -- not someone famous, someone you've met in real life -- and said hello without them knowing it was you?

Innocent. Very interesting question though, lmao.
Hmm, have you ever mushed down and moved around food on your plate to make it appear as if you've eaten more than you actually have?

Guilty - my entire childhood
Have you ever been cooking something or making a drink, realised you missed a step in the recipe or messed it up, only to proceed to let someone else try it or eat it?

Guilty. I was baking for a class and someone turned off the oven without anyone knowing so we were baking cookies for like 30 ish minutes cause they weren't cooked. Class ended and so we gave up and ate our undercooked cookies, that were burnt at the bottom.
Have you ever been caught staring at someone?

Innocent. But my friends have been caught before.
Have you ever eaten something really disgusting, because it was a dare? If you did, please tel me what you ate.

<div style="text-align: center;">Innocent. I'm not into dares; though I dare my friends I'd never take a dare myself, aha. <div style="text-align: center;"> <div style="text-align: center;">Have you ever wanted a character one day, bought them for a high price, and then found yourself regretting it or at least a little?