
Your pack biography has some cute things said in it. It's rather adorable!

Your pack Bio is straight to the point in some parts, I like it ^^ Your avi is amazing, aswell as your name-
Dont think we have talked before, but from seeing you talk with some people you seem nice. If I wasnt tired half the time I would have talked to you already ^^

Despite you say otherwise, you truly do have a gorgeous art style that's unique to your. You're exceptionally sweet and try your hardest to please a lot of people. I'm glad you've taken the time to work out what you do or don't feel comfortable doing now and I can't wait to get to know you better ^^

Oh what to say to this stalker of a Hall! Well first I'm grateful to you since you were the first ever human being to order my trash bin of a art. And it kinda lifted my artist hopes. But other then that I hear you are a great supporting friend and your Ava is stunning,.


Your art is very unique and sleek! I would love to chat!

Your Alphas have beautiful names and it's really nice that you put a guide in your bio! :D


Your User is nice, as well as your avi ^^
Also I want to talk to you sometimes but Im too tired to- You seem so nice

I love your art so much. ;^;