
What in the hell- No LMAO, (10/10) --- Did you know... Squirrels are behind most power outages in the U.S.

4/10 Eh, it makes sense honestly considering who we're talking about. -- Did You Know? Hot water will turn into ice faster than cold water.

1/10 I've read that before.
Did you know, that hummingbirds that live up in the mountains, can keep flying, until the oxygen level is the equivalent to being 43,000 feet high?

7/10 No, I did not. -- Did you know? If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. Edited at August 6, 2023 10:44 PM by Jack Frost

:o 7/10 I did actually know part of that, I was unaware you could die though- pretty scary- ~~ Did you know, cats are the only mammals who don't taste sweetness? (Like for them sugar doesn't taste sweet)

1/10 Yep.
Did you know hummingbirds like, have tongues that can split apart, and there's like, little hairs or something that helps them drink nectar?

3/10 yep- I don't find it that interesting though ~~ Did you know? Newborn babies can’t drown because their windpipes close in response to being submerged. However, that reflex disappears at six months Edited at April 21, 2022 11:17 PM by Firefox

8/10 did not know that --- Did you know that chickens are cannibals?

8/10 I was aware of that lmao, funny story when I had chickens we used to feed them all the left overs- including things contains eggs and chicken! ~~ Did you know? There once was an island called snake island (it still exists) and a lighthouse had to be built on it, almost all of the lighthouse caretakers died by a venomous snake known as the golden lance head snake, there were also many other venomous snakes here. Today the lighthouse it automated and the island is considered uninhabitable.

10/10 Did not know that.
Did you know a Michigan (I think) family of four was declared, like, the tallest... family, in the state (Again, I think)? The tallest. a young man is 7'3, and the shortest, a woman, is 6'0.