
Innocent... I'm a single Pringle for life. I don't get crushes easily.
Have you ever eaten a spider by accident.

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Guilty. Can't recall any direct examples, but I'm certain I've done it before.
Have you ever faked being sick to avoid going out? (for school, work, hanging out with friends, etc.)

very guilty. its a wonder I even made it through high school
Have you ever broken something, and then fixed it just enough so that the next person to come along and use it would have it fall apart making them think they broke it?

Guilty. Definitely done this with a few chairs and doorknobs over the years.
Have you ever forgotten to take the plastic off of something before microwaving it?

innocent. microwaves freak me the fuck out, so i'm always pretty conscientious around them.
have you ever accidently run over an animal with your car or bike?

Innocent. I've had many close calls though. ^^'
Have you ever forgotten about a friend's birthday party and due to that, never ended up going?

Have you ever accidentally spoiled the ending of a book, show, or movie to someone?

What do you mean accidentally? >:) I do it on purpose, 'cause I'm that good of a friend. [Guilty].
Have you ever stolen the movie theatre's 3D glasses before?

Guilty, only in my town their plastic glasses your allowed to take.
Have you ever spread untrue rumours about a friend or exfriend?