Adopting them immediately - What luck! You found a sausage chain over ten feet long!
I guess is getting the Ultimate Treat! What luck! You found a four leafed clover!
ooh! Hopefully it'll bring me luck. What luck! You've found free tickets to your favorite artist's next concert!
That's great but I don't like concerts; I'll just sell the tickets and pocket the money instead... What luck! You found a talking dog.
Yay! I've always wanted to know what my pets want to tell me. What luck! You found a penny on the street.
Is there a fountain nearby? What luck! You've found a snake stuck inside a garden hose.
Oh dear, how did it manage that? I suppose a trip to a reptile vet is in order... What luck! You found a frog; if you give a kiss, you have a 50% chance of it turning into a prince!
I have very bad luck ... :'D Let me go look for a four-leafed clover real quick, and I'll be back. - What luck! You have found your Hogwarts acceptance letter! Edited at September 12, 2023 10:47 PM by Dahlia Fields
This...this is my dream come true. What luck! You've found the cutest kitten you've ever seen!
Awwww- *sneezes* What luck! You found an ostrich egg!