
This game is a little like "Lie or Truth?", but it is different.
The example should be simple enough for you to understand how to play but, if you do have questions, just ask!
- Here's the example:
Person One wrote: Ever caught your kitchen on fire? Person Two wrote:
Guilty. I was cooking french fries. Ever used Axe bodyspray to turn a lighter into a flamethrower? Person Three wrote:
Innocent. That sounds fun though.
I'll start:
"Ever get paranoid after watching a horror movie?"

Guilty. Normally, not so much. But a while ago a horror movie took place in what used to be very close to my house. I was a little freaked out after that.
Have you ever accidentally put salt in your tea instead of sugar?

Guilty. Way too many times, as well as off milk. I never bother to check labels and such :')
Ever broken a bone, yours or someone else's, and it was your fault?

Innocent! I have never broken or sprained anything.
Have you ever intentionally embarrassed someone else in front of a crowd?

Guilty. Never really liked them anyway.
Have you ever intentionally injured someone? Be it a full on assault or a small scratch. And why? XD

Guilty, when I was younger I bit my sister.
Have you ever broken something in a grocery store without paying for the damage?

Innocent. I'm too cautious ;)
Have you ever accidentally made a fool of yourself in a public environment?

Guilty (oops) a while shelf came crashing down
Ever sung really loudly and off-key in the wrong part of the song?

Guilty. Sometimes on purpose.
Ever forced someone to do something they didn't like?

Guilty. Not so sure if i want to tell it though :')
Used the TV as background noise?