Name: Choris or Flightless
Gender: Female
Age: 18-19
Appearance: Choris was born with a rare condition meaning that she was born without eyes. She still has eyelids, however she has no eyes meaning her eyelids are always closed. Her skin is tanned, though naturally she is pale as pale can be. Her frame is thin and willowy, and any person who caught sight of her out of the corner of their eye might think her as a nymph. Her eyelashes are pale, indeed very blonde and white. Her hair is pale too, though with thick swathes of rich color. Her lips are thick and soft, and a natural dark pink. Her shoulders have many scars crisscrossing the backs of them though these are from when she was a small child and sold as a slave. Her hair is thick and long, and folds from a low widows peak back in gentle waves. Her nose is fairly small and round, somewhat broad in appearance as well. Across her cheeks are a few light colored freckles which are nearly completely obliterated by the rosy hue. Her face is very shapely, and sort of round with a sharpish chin. Her ears are elfin and pointed in a sweeping curve.
Brief Biography:
Important Nonsense: She is one of the only constant companions of F.B, or Jack one of her only friends.