azol - az
he/him/his - masculine presenting
lawful neutral
demonic familiar

azol presents as a wolf with dragon-esk horns. he is 6.8ft in length and 3.1ft in height at shoulder. azol weights 184lbs and has dark red iris' with a lighter red ring around the pupil. these eyes can glow in the low light. the sclera of his eye is a warm black, matching his horns. azol has a bite force of over 1200 pounds of pressure. he's teeth are a mid-red, same as the red ring around his pupil.

azol is a relatively quiet creature. he sticks to the outside and doesn't regulary converse with others. due to his hoarding nature, azol has a rather large cave in which he keeps stacks gold and gems, among other items. he's very teritorial over these items, and its rare that anyone is allowed inside the cave. the piles of riches are arranged in a circle formation, one opening that leads to a gap in the middle. this middle gap is where azol rests and keeps his most prized things. a large velvet robe is drapped over a cotton cusion. this cusion was specially made by an ancient cloth worker who had befriended azol. a small signature can be found under the cusion, stiched in blood red thread.
the cloth worker and azol didn't start out as friends. most stories start this way.
the cloth worker was a pesent of the french, working on silks and robes for the royal family. azol had been living as a familiar for the royal sorcress at the time. he mostly ran erendes and assured that no one bothered the royal family. threats and the occasional eating of a pet, all normal. the cloth worker had been marked on the sorcress' bad list, for a reason azol didn't care to learn. why should he care? the sorcress fed and housed him, as well as tossing a few coins his way every few days. azol had nothing to complain about!
until he did.

there's always a good guy and a bad guy, a simple black and white world. its never this simple.
the sourcress wasn't all that the royal family thought she was. instead of a magick wielding witch who protected the kingdom, she was a murder of innocents and a theif. azol had learned that suddenly, and the hard way.
she had attacked azol just as the sun went down. his eyes shinned in the dimmed lights, illumiating the space just as she approched. dark red magick circled around her hands as she whispered some chant, and he knew something was wrong. the cloth worker had stumbled in near moments after azol jumped to his paws, watching the scene fold out in suprise. the cloth worker was looking for the restrooms but had effectively interupted what would have been azol's murder. the sourcress turn on her heal, screaching out bloody murder. azol jumped out at her, clamping his maw down on her shoulder. she screached again, casting the magick at azol.
azol's skin blistered upon contact, and he howled out in pain. the magick felt like the flame of one hundred suns. the cloth maker, watched for another moment in terror before grabbing azol and dragging him out of the room. he didn't bother to protest as they both escaped.

azol- having a rough past- doesnt tend to trust easily. their wolf form tends to scare others off, as well as his aversion to conversation. the blank stare of a demonic wolf figure can be quite off putting. the only creature that hangs around is a blind insert species here named isie. in return for food, shelter and protection isie offers healing and compainionship. the blank is extremely skilled in herbal healing and magick.
isie keeps a small collection of herbs and healing berries in a small cave off of azol's main hoard space.