
Finn let out a small sigh at the question that Lily asked. He heard the teasing note but there was something under her tone that he knew prompted an actual answer. "... not really, no. I want an apology from Florence, not excuses," he stated shortly. "I want her to start acting better and less bratty. I don't care how old she is, she's way too old to be acting like some stuck-up pick-me from high school--from old millennial high school." He scowled sharply. "She needs to apologize to you. I don't want excuses, I don't want pathetic mumbles. I want an actual apology and I don't want to hear it, I want to see it. Instead of owning up to her actions, she goes and runs off to pout," he threw his hand in the air, gesturing toward the sky. "I'm sorry for getting so... so heated but I can't... I just can't," he admitted. "The entire way she acts--just is--it infuriates me." ---- Xevon's feathers rippled with surprise at the fact that the goddess had responded. His mind swirled with thoughts, fishing for what came next. What had Alma done? "Who took Vedea?" Xevon focused on that. His eyes studied the way the woman moved, keeping pace with Renissa. There was something still ethereal about the former goddess. She seemed like the reflection in a mirror, the type seen out of the corner of your eye. A whisper of snow caught on the breeze. The swirl of mist in the air. It was haunting and beautiful but Xevon was worried they'd lose her if they went too fast or said the wrong thing. It was like skating on thin ice, hoping it would hold long enough to get to the other side of the river.
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Lily squished her lips into a thin line as the progression of Finntello’s thoughts on the newcomers. While she wasn’t very fond of Florence herself, she wasn’t nearly as bothered by her actions as Finn was. “I’m more caught up on the fact she’s..well that she’s Veles’s.” She offered, taking a glance over her shoulder to where Alma was still pinching the tail of Onas as he tried to snap his claws up at her. “I think you’re both being a little over the top, n-not that I mean you’re in the wrong or anything. I just think that you ramp each other up.” Lily waved a hand to try and dismiss the other implication that could have been taken. “Whenever she shows back up, maybe we just act normally and see how it goes.” Lily smiled warmly, moving a hand to circle around his arm, giving it a small squeeze. – Renaissance frowned, the perfect skin between them creasing and tainting her expression at the question. Yet her eyes remained unfocused, staring out at the land in front of her as she walked slowly. Drifting to the right, her arms dropped from her midsection and held precariously at her hips. As though she was about to reach out for something if she spotted it. Callisto hung back a little, watching Xevon closely, he didn’t want to interfere. The last time he had to do something like this he hadn’t been very good at it. Renaissance shook her head, then turned and walked a bit further. After a few more moments, she repeated the action. Slowly, she was walking in a staggered circle, refusing to listen to the strange voice that was invading her mind.
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Finn shook his head lightly, tossing the strawberry blond hair. Act normally? Like they had done every time and she had just gone and screwed it up? No. There was no way. His scowl deepened. "Whenever she shows back up, it'd better be with an apology, Lily. I'm not letting her walk over us like we're some sort of doormat," Finn replied tartly. "We did act normally and she can't handle it. If she wants to get out with our help, she'd better shape up and take responsibilities for her own actions. If she wants to go sulk like a petty child and then come crawling back thinking we're gonna forget it ever happened, she's in for a treat. She gets to come back and apologize--and do better." He huffed and shook his head clear of the subject, focusing on the scorpion. Alma looked less than impressed with the writhing creature. "You gonna call it quits soon?" The little beast snapped at her, trying to catch her fingers in his claws. Clearly, he wasn't going to quit soon. --- Xevon held back lightly, watching her arms drop. He kept back slightly, still following the ghastly form of the woman. "Renissa," he spoke the woman's name, "where are you?" If he could keep asking questions, it got the woman to pause and think. He didn't have to talk at her, just ask subtle little questions that would trip the world up. Make her think, make her have to actually... focus and force her to do something instead of wander in the memories.
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Lily wasn’t exactly pleased with that response, but she wasn’t going to say so. Instead, she unthreaded herself from Finntello’s arm and made her way over to Alma just in time to catch her talking to Onas. She studied the little creature for a moment before tilting her head. “Is he going to wriggle the entire time?” She questioned, but the answer was likely yes. Until they figured out how to return some kind of power back to him, he was going to squirm and be a pain in their behind. Florence was still nearby, having returned a few minutes after leaving, but she did not land. She stayed high up in the cloudless sky, watching the small figures below move around. They were all gathering now to look at something. Alma was holding something, she could only assume it was Onas or some other creature she thought was him. For the time behind, she kept to herself in the sky, the rusty beat of her wings the only sound she could hear from up there. The bones rasping over each other with each strong downward thrust. – Her hand trembled before waving from side to side by her hip, pausing only as she turned around again and walked a little further this time. Her eyes were scanning across the horizon, looking for something that wasn’t there. “Vedea.” She spoke softly, then her eyes darted quickly to the side at the words that cut through her brain. It was a man. She didn’t know a man that sounded like that. Vedea was supposed to be here, supposed to be with her while they looked from them. The other gods, they were looking for them to help them. They needed help after he had come back home. They all needed help. She didn’t answer the question. There was no time to be talking to the voices she was hearing in her head, they needed to find the others and she needed Vedea. Renaissance turned and walked back towards Xevon and Callisto but she was looking through them, for the tiniest second her eyes flickered with something that looked like recognition of seeing something before fading back to hazy confusion. “Vedea?” Her voice carried out, the fear making it wobble.
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Alma scowled lightly, bouncing the scorpion in her fingers. Mostly for her own amusement. There was no way she could've done this if Onas wasn't tiny and she was never going to let him live it down. Ha. "It's likely he will until he figures out how to turn back into a man. Not that he was a man to begin with, a pesky preteen maybe," she could see the way the words irritated the little beast. Maybe, if she got him angry enough, he'd access that power and shift and then they could have an actual conversation. It was then she realized why and who the winged young man had learned the quips from. It was her. Oops. "Always whining about this and that, terribly hungry all the time but never ate enough to look good and muscled..." she leaned closer to Lily with a daring smile, "always smelled like man too," she whispered just loud enough to let the bug hear her. The wriggling increased in ferocity, clacking at her fingers. "What're you gonna do about it?" Alma teased. "You're stuck aren't you?" ---- Xevon froze for a moment, looking to the horizon. Vedea. The name again. His mind swirled with questions but he kept himself calm and poised, listening to every single word that the woman said. Every movement she made was noted and put together into a puzzle that he was building. "Renissa, where are you?" He repeated the question, a bit more firm in his delivery. "We're trying to find you, where are you?" Hopefully it wasn't too much but he hoped it would be something for the woman to think about. He didn't dare lie and say Vedea was with them. He didn't know what had happened and he knew that if that had been said... he'd have lost his mind. He knew. She had to focus on where she was. Hopefully himself as well.
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Lily watched on as Alma proceeded to poke fun at the little chitin covered creature, her words seeming to stir him up more and more. She wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to be within a hundred feet of Onas when he returned to normal after all this provoking. When he squirmed again, Lily scrunched up her nose and looked away, glancing across the land around them. It was clear and she couldn’t hear or scent anything around them apart from the freshly disturbed dirt under the rocks. Alma’s voice was suddenly a lot closer and she flicked her head back around, offering a small laugh at her comment that made Onas writhe even more vigorously. “Men do tend to smell.” She agreed before just as quickly looking over at Finn, a sheepish smile on her lips. “I mean, most men. Most men, not you.” She tried her best to revert her sentence back. – Renissa was still in her daze, but gradually her eyes were flickering between staring into nothing and to looking at something closer. She still wasn’t answering any questions as she wandered around the area. The sharper voice made her head turn around, body soon following as she locked eyes with Xevon. For a moment, she stopped and only stared at him. In the next heartbeat, her blue eyes focused and her arms darted out to latch onto Xevon’s forearms. “Where is she?” She cried, almost crumpling. “Vedea, where is she?” She asked again, the image of her was still faded but her hold on Xevon’s arm was as real as if she were standing there completely normal. Callisto had almost leapt out of his skin when Renissa had turned and clutched onto Xevon, his eyes widened and he took a few hurried steps backwards. Almost tripping over his own feet in the process.
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Alma tipped her head lightly. "Nah, you just haven't seem him after he comes home from the gym." "Madre!" Finn protested. Alma let out a warmer laugh and turned to Onas again. "Can't even defend himself, what a little loser--" The squirming adjusted, in the blink of an eye and the man gripped her wrist, his eyes blazing with fury. "How dare you--" "You're going to let go or I'm throwing you down," Alma stated firmly, watching him drop his hands to his sides. "That's what I thought. Welcome back, Onas. Let's go get Renissa." "No." Alma glanced back. "... no?" ---- Xevon paused for a moment, watching her stare at him. Their gaze locked in a silent stare between each other. It was fast, he hardly had time to blink before she had hold of his arms, staring into his eyes and then crumpled. "Renissa, we're still trying to find her. We need your help. We've been looking for you, where are you, Renissa? Where are you?" He repeated the question again, trying to hold onto the misty form of her arms. There... wasn't much to hold onto, unfortunately. "Renissa, what's going on?" He added the secondary question, hoping desperately that it wasn't going to screw everything up. But he remembered Alma's voice cutting through the fog and he asked himself the same question. Perhaps, if he voiced it, he'd get a response.
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She did her best not to let her mind wander to Finntello at the gym, focusing more on that than the aftermath of what he smelt like when he came home. She was distracted enough though to be completely surprised by Onas’s appearance. Lily scrambled backwards, her eye wide as she watched him secure a grip on Alma’s wrist. A growl began in the back of her throat, prepared to launch herself at the man, but it didn’t take a second longer for him to retreat and sulkingly reject Alma’s command. Letting the sound die out in her throat, Lily took a small look over to Finn, well if he wasn’t going to help then this was going to be a complete mess. – The pain in her eyes was extraordinary, the whites bloodshot and her pupils a pinprick as she gazed up at Xevon. Her terror and distress rolled off of her in waves that made Callisto feel pity towards her. Renissa’s attention faded back to confusion, but her hands remained clutching the man in front of her. Who was this? It wasn’t Vedea and it wasn’t Veles, so who was this person? Her eyebrows bunched up together as she began to speak. “He’s gone mad, Onas.” That’s who it must be, it was a man and he was near her home, it must be him. “Vedea she went after him but h-he’s lost his mind.” After that she began to break down into sobs that made her whole body rattle with the effort. “He killed Tia, he’s going to kill all of us.” The terror that was gripping onto her mind made her voice shake, soon enough her body was joining her voice in its trembling.
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Finn tilted his head. "No?" Onas swept his gold eyes toward the pair of young adults. "No." In the recesses of his voice, there was guilt and remorse. A deep embedded sorrow that had his voice barely over a mumble. Deep in the whisper of his tone was a grief he couldn't put into words. Alma took in a slow breath. "... Onas, what happened?" The man's jaw tightened. "... I lost control." Finn glanced over the man. Sure... he had some size on him but even still, maybe it was because he was in awe of the absolute mountain that Xevon was... this man just wasn't... terrifying. --- His red eyes scanned the woman's face, focusing on her. Onas. He wasn't--no, he'd hold onto it for a bit. He couldn't hold onto her, his hands passed through her arms. He--who was he? It wasn't Onas. At least that was good. But someone had fell. "Renissa, who is it? Who is going to kill us?" Xevon pressed, quietly. He hoped it was Veles so he could say that he had killed him. Hopefully that would help but he had a deep underlying fear that now... now he knew who left the daggers. Now he knew ... who's pen-knife that was. Vedea. Tia. Oh bloody hell, he was conjuring up unfortunate conclusions. This was not going to be a fun conversation to have. Not again. He struggled to hold onto his calm demeanor. He had to be there. But Renissa's face was blending from the woman with brown hair to a ginger with hazel eyes. Fair freckled skin-- No! He had to stay there. He had to stay there. "Renissa, Veles is dead. He's gone," Xevon pleaded, his voice shaking. "He's gone. He's gone. He's not going to hurt anyone anymore. He's gone--" the desperation reached into his voice, trying and begging the woman to hold on and come back so he didn't have to worry about messing up.
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Lily wasn’t exactly comfortable with the look that was given to her and Finn but Onas didn’t seem fazed by their presence at all. His attention was returned to Alma with a tightness to his muscles, a bundle of tension as he stood before Alma. “Lost control, how so?” She couldn’t stop the words before they came tumbling out of her mouth. “Over Veles?” Yikes, maybe she was picking up more of Finntello’s tendencies than she first thought. Asking abrupt and rather touchy questions with little regret. – Callisto was left on the side lines, watching with increasing concern as Xevon’s calmness deteriorated with Renissa’s distress. He didn’t interfere, he didn’t want to break whatever was going on here but it was a fine balance between bringing her back and having Xevon slip back into his own mind. Renissa shook her head, lashing it back and forth. “He’s not gone, he’s -” She choked through a sob, her hands gripping even tighter, puckering the skin she was holding onto. “He hurt Vedea, I know he has.” She wrenched herself away from Xevon, arms ensnared her midsection as she tried to console herself. “He isn’t dead, you’re lying.” That had to be it, Onas was trying to show off again. He had to be lying. Renissa’s bleary, bloodshot eyes turned back to look at the man. He had dark hair, was that was Onas looked like? Had he always been that tall? He was towering over her, she didn’t think he did that before. There were things on his back, high in the sky like giant shadows. The mild confusion manifested itself on her face, her eyes narrowing as she tried to figure out who she was looking at. Eyebrows bunched up together to create divots between them.
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