Inferno smiled and licked Crystal and laughed when Abyss and the other kids ran up to them. "Glad to be back," she said. Smoke, Phantom, Shadow, and the rest of the pack came up to them and greeted Infenro.
Alone smiles crystal growls at the guy and said " you never kidnap my mama "
Flame lowered his head before raising his eyes to meet Crystal's. He didn't say anything but continued to stare at her.
Crystal looks away and lowered her head before walking away
Inferno glared at Flame and turned to her parents and brother. "We can keep him in the cage until we decide what to do." She said.
Alone nods before looking over to were crystal when and wonders if she was okay
Sand and Cloud took Flame to the cage and put him in. Flame didn't struggle against them and just laid there, staring after Crystal. Inferno narrowed her eyes at him, but then turned and praised Sand, Cloud, Shimmer, and mostly, Alone for helping her.
Crystal sat and stares at him hoping he would feel discomfort from it "alone said " I'll always save you"
Inferno licked him and yawned.
alone licks her and said " lets get you to bed" crystal walks up to flame and said " so what your name"