
Xevon gave him a warmer smile, running one hand over Callisto's fuzzy head. He cleared a bit more of the ash from the fireplace and set up a bit of starter wood. Starter wood were smaller chunks of wood, they were laid out in an alternating pattern with a little bit of space between them but not too far that they wouldn't catch or light. Without any lint or "fire fodder" as he called it, he simply collected some of his feathers, leaving one for Callisto to toy with, and set those in the bed between the wood. At the least, it would burn well enough to catch the wood and then the fire would go from there and he could add logs later. He snagged a match from the kitchen and made his way back, striking it on the stone of the fireplace. The man let the heat curl up over the stone before lowering it to the small nest of feathers and tucked it between the wood. Pretty soon, the fire was going again and Xevon leaned back on his knees. "Did you sleep alright?" He asked the white cat. -- Finn grumbled lightly at the sound, his eyes slowly fluttering open. That was... not a sound he enjoyed. It felt weird and off and it sent his heart racing. As Lily began to move, Finn stretched out and grumbled, finally sitting up to at least wake up. One hand lifted up to rub over his freckled cheeks, trying to push the fog of sleep from his eyes. "Morning."
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Callisto’s ears flattened beneath Xevon’s hand as he gave him a short pet, stopping in his pouncing to look up at him. He watched as the man walked back and forth, sorting out the fire. Only when Xevon had turned back to him, sticking near the fire did he stand back up. However, the movement made the feather shift beside him and his eyes darted towards it. Smacking down a paw and pinning it to the ground, his head turned back up to Xevon. “I slept well.” He hummed, not feeling strange to talk in this form, at least to Xevon. He was far too used to it that he padded up closer, leaving the feather in his wake. Callisto lowered his head and bumped it against Xevon’s thigh before leaning up and placing his front paws on his leg, raising his head up to look at him. At least Xevon looked..vaguely better. That and he wasn’t stoically standing there, with a seething gaze locked onto him, this was slightly more familiar. He did give one short look over at Alma, where she was paging through a book, his tail pausing in its lazy movement. – Lily’s eyes only reopened as Finn leaned up, drawing a groan of complaint from her throat. She turned onto her other side to face him, flopping an arm over his hips in protest to him getting up far too quickly. Her head pushing into the bundle of blanket and Finn beside her, giving another small groan. “Good morning.” She spoke into the quilt, clearly disgruntled by being woken up. Her hand scrunched up the hem of Finn’s shirt, tugging at it gently. “Sleep more.” Lily grumbled out her request, finally sleeping in a bed without the worry of heading back to face Veles had felt incredible. No haunted dreams that night, she prayed that if she slept more, she would continue to have uneventful slumber.
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Xevon tilted his head lightly as Callisto paused from batting around the dark feather. His hand stretched out, taking the feather in his fingers before tossing it to the fire. His eyes lowered as the feline pressed his head against his thigh before looking up at him. The winged man's lips pulled into a weary smile, gently picking the feline up in one arm. "I'm glad," he whispered. "It's good to hear you slept well, Callisto." He didn't bother looking over at the woman. He knew she was there, she knew she was there. There was no real point in bringing attention to it. -- Finn's soft gaze lowered, humming slightly as she pulled him back down to the bed. He wanted to sleep, sure but his senses were tingling that something was wrong. Maybe... maybe it was just the echoes of a dream he had during the night. Not that he would remember it anyways. Finn let out a small noise, a loose sigh and settled back down beside her. "Alright, alright," he murmured softly, brushing some of the hair out of her face. His gaze was soft, almost relaxed. He was content to finally just settle down again, even if he felt like maybe he should've gotten up. "What about breakfast?" Finn finally asked, feeling just the faintest touch of hunger.
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Even as he was lifted from the ground, his hard gaze was still fixed on Alma. Xevon had to be right about her, she was something else, different. Whatever it was, he wasn’t sure he was so keen on finding out now. Eventually, Callisto looked back up at Xevon from where he was being held. Strangely enough, this didn’t feel like any sort of dramatic interaction that made his head swirl with thoughts. Instead, he let himself go a little bit limp so that he was easier to hold. He tucked his head down, letting it flop heavily into Xevon’s torso with a short huff of air. The growing flames of the fire where slowly reaching him, bringing a nice warm glow across the two of them. That in combination with feeling as though Xevon was, for once, relaxed. Even if it was only a little, it made Callisto comfortable. – Lily grinned into the covers as he relented and moved back down beside her, smug with her mission being completed. That was until he piped up again and she popped her head up to look down at him. “You’ll survive for a little bit longer.” She tilted her head to the side as she peeked down at him, a content smile pulling at her lips. “You look pretty in the morning sun.” Lily didn’t make any sort of flustered reaction to the words she had let out, it was true. The yellowed dawn light did compliment the red of his feathers and brought out the freckles across his face. The sound forgotten for the time being.
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Alma raised an eyebrow for a moment or two. "... what?" Xevon followed Callisto's gaze toward the woman before he settled back, content to finally pepper the woman with questions. "Who and what are you really? I can guarantee you that whatever concoction you made last night was not something that Callisto, Lily or I could make and have the same outcome." "It was a simple tea," Alma waved one hand lightly, one leg crossed over the other. "You could make it--" "But it wouldn't work," Xevon cut her off, far more bold than before. At least word-wise. He kept his distance from the woman. Alma shook her head lightly, but in her tone was an edge of distaste and perhaps a touch of grief. "I am merely human... and nothing more." ---- Finn looked up at her before groaning theatrically. "You're trying to starve me," he teased, poking at her side for a moment before settling into the blankets and pillows again. The words almost caught him off guard, looking up toward Lily. Pretty--he hadn't been expecting that kind of comment. Not that he really knew how to respond other than tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Well, at least I can look pretty once. It's nothing compared to you," he whispered, voice barely audible, "you... you are pretty all of the time. Absolutely stunning, no matter what. I'm so thankful that you're mine."
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Callisto peeked over Xevon’s shoulder with the same suspicious look, matching the energy perfectly. The tip of his tail was flicking from side to side from where he was being held as he listened to the back and forth of the two people with him. Xevon held a good point, a magical tea couldn’t be conjured up by a human, right? It was a book meant for gods, how could a mortal manage it. At her dismissive answer, Callisto’s short tufted ears snapped back against his head in disapproval. He would have returned to his human self by now but he was currently being cradled by Xevon, so it would make for an interesting scene if he just poofed back to normal now. Instead of acknowledging Alma’s rather flimsy answer, Callisto turned his head away from her and let it flop down against Xevon’s chest, close to where he was being held. – Whilst her own comment hadn’t made her sway from embarrassment, the hand that appeared to tuck away a piece of hair made Lily’s eyes dart to the side to watch his movement. Only drawing her dark eyes back to Finntello as he spoke, drawing a breathy laugh from her throat. Her lips tugging into a smile that betrayed her happiness despite the rising colour on her skin. She looked away, giving the brightly lit window a quick look. “You don’t need to flatter me, Finn.” Lily mused, finally bringing her gaze back to land on him. “That and I’m nothing to be thankful about, I practically fell into your lap. I don’t think you had much choice in meeting me.” Lily attempted to draw the attention away from compliments directed to herself, making light of their rather gruesome meeting sounded like a better idea to her.
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Xevon shook his head. "Just human?" Alma tipped her head lightly in return, setting the book to the side. "I'm nothing more than human. I bleed just like you do. I wish I could say I am something more than just mere mortal but ... I'm not. I'm human." Xevon tilted his head and let out a short breath. "How did you know my call-sign?" "Oh it was on the internet," Alma responded with ease. "There's plenty of resources that talk about soldiers and veterans that fought in world war 2. Your name happens to also be connected with a newspaper article that detailed your disappearance." "... the what now?" "Internet--trust me, it was... a struggle to figure out how it worked too. It's... I don't know how to explain it well enough." Xevon sighed shortly. "... why did you look for me?" "It was Finn's idea," Alma's tone softened. "He wanted to make sure you were going to be able to make it out." -- Finn scowled in return. "No-no. I am glad that I have you. It's not flattery, it's the truth," he gently redirected her gaze to his own. "I have everything to be thankful for. I can't imagine life without you now. No matter what comes our way, I would rather have you by my side than anyone else." His eyes softened. "I promise."
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At the mention of the callsign, one of Callisto’s ears pricked up and turned to listen to the conversation. He was in agreement with Xevon, Alma had just spoken another language and not one that he could understand. With a small wiggle, he freed himself from Xevon’s hands and deftly landed on the floor in front of him. Just as quickly as his paws hit the rug, he stood up to his full height, one hand lifted to push back his hair from his eyes. “He was using that weird rectangle thing to look at it. Whatever this internet is.” He stated rather than asked his words, casting a look down at Xevon where he was kneeling beside him. “That is how we found out most things about you. I did not..know very much.” He conceded, lowering his hand to stuff it into his slacks front pocket with a small sigh. He felt guilty about not knowing much about his companion, but he had little to share back at the time. Callisto had his memories now, no matter how unpleasant they were, he had more to offer in return. – Lily lifted an eyebrow as Finn directed her eyes back to him, still misty eyed on one side. She took a moment to focus back on his face before giving a small smile. “I’m smitten with you as well.” She met his sincerity. Still half hovering over him, Lily found herself dipping her head closer to Finn’s. Guessing that from this angle, she couldn’t muck up her placement. She felt the tips of their noses brush as she came closer, about to slid past and close to distance when a loud knock came at the front door. Her half-lidded eyes snapped open wide and she whirled around to look towards the cracked door to the bedroom, heart pounding. None of their group would have knocked the front door of this cottage, it was someone else.
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"Well, to be fair, I really didn't want to talk about it," Xevon admitted quietly. "I really don't want to talk about it either--" Luckily--or perhaps unluckily, the knock at the door cut him off. It meant he wouldn't have to talk about it... but at the same time... that meant someone new. A rush of two emotions swept through his chest at the knock on the door. A burning protective swell and a rush of terror. He leapt up from his knees but stopped when Alma waved one hand, gesturing to the bedroom. Xevon tipped his head wordlessly, taking Callisto in his arms and slid into the bedroom. Lily and Finn had almost the same look. Lily's was far more anxious and Finn... looked stupid per usual. That was nothing new. "Your mother is a witch." "... that's ... that's a weird thing to start the morning off with," Finn whispered in return, slowly sliding out of the bed and toward the door. Xevon shifted Callisto to one arm and stopped him with the other one. "Sit back down," he hissed shortly, "you're not dying on my watch." Finn gave him a short look and huffed. But either way, they stuck beside the door, keeping an ear to listen to Alma. The woman stepped to the front door, pulling it open. "Hello?"
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Lily frowned as she pulled herself from Finn and sat up on the bed to let him shuffle his way off before following him out into the main space. The soft padding of her feet on the floor the only sound for a moment before she locked eyes with Xevon. What on earth had those three been talking about? A witch, clearly Alma, had said something technologically advanced and bewildered the two old men disguised as younguns. Her attention was immediately stolen by the older woman’s - wait why did she look like that? Lily was about to voice her discovery regarding Alma’s sudden youth when she had opened the door. Callisto braced himself for all hell to break loose, they were going to be a mess in roughly one minute. Whomever owned this house had come back and was preparing to eviscerate them for the intrusion. He didn’t want to pray to any god for help , fearful of bringing about another Veles. Florence stood at the door, the rucksack slumped over her left shoulder as she stood there staring at the door. Waiting for it to open before she spoke. “It’s Florence.” Her words were simple as she locked eyes with Alma, narrowing them suspiciously. “Found yourselves a nice home to snuggle up in?” She asked sarcastically, ending it with a short laugh. “Renissa won’t be happy you’ve dirtied her furniture with your human small.” Florence cocked her head to one side, tapping the tip of her trainer clad toe on the pavers as she spoke.
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