
"My back kinda is sore from falling out of the tree yesterday." She said with a little blush. "But otherwise I'm okay. How's your arm? With the amount of blood you lost, it's kinda left me concerned about you." She sighed softly and asked, "How did the guards take the news last night?"

"my arm is fine, aww the princess cares about me" Erik says with a wide smile and a little laugh trying to make Sofia blush even more."the gaurds didnt find him he fled the area he was pretty smart to leave right away".

Despite her efforts, she blushed even more. She gazed away from him as she fanned her face in an effort to get herself to stop. "Oh shush, I just feel bad for the guard who turned to a damsel in distress. I think I'm just the charming rescuer."

Erik start to blush too from embarrasment, "charming you are by kight in shining armor" Erik says with a smile. "you sure that was your first time or have you done that before?" Erik says teasingly. He gets up ready to get on with the rest of the day.

"I think I protect those who are worth it. And who offer me a good challenge. Now, we talked about escaping outside again, yes?" She asked hopefully. "Maybe down a different path this time? You're not busy are you?"

"aww im worth it, what do you mean a good challenge?"Erik says "yeah we should take a different path this time where should we head and no im not busy, ive got all day to spend tecnically im not supposed to be here the king game me a rest day for my injury." he says and he beginds to follow her through the halls of the castle.

"Just someone who would finally chase me back. After all, k told you how much fun I had yesterday." She smiled. She tapped his sword and said, "You heard my father then. Less work, more exploration time. Have you eaten something this morning? I ask as it seems you've been here for a while this morning."

"I had fun aswell" Erik says with a smile "no I haven't eaten yet" his stomach growls as they walk down the halls towards the dining hall. Erik yawns quietly from being already up for a while "today is alot warmer than yesterday" Erik says as he follows her.

"I know, after a long winter it feels amazing." She smiled, gazing out the windows as they walked. "Just feeling the sun on my skin is a great reason for us to head back out." She gazed to him and asked, "Are you a warm weather person or a cold weather person? It's funny, I love the sun, but I also adore snowy nights, it's something about them that makes me feel relaxed."

"I feel the same way aboout the weather wantching the snowflakes at night under the moonlight. Have you ever been fishing?" he asks with excitment "it might finally be warm enough to go out and fish, I haven't done that in a while" he says with a smile.