Skylar looked back up at Alex, furrowing his brows ever so slightly. After hearing Alex be honest, it made Skylar think. Maybe there was a possibility that Alex would have said no if Sky never said to forget about it. That thought kept running through his head, it seemed to overpower everything. The happiness he was just feeling was gone as if it was never there in the first place. He tried to remember that Alex had literally just said yes, but it wasn't working. Sky couldn't get over the fact that Alex maybe would have said no. "So," Sky began, not knowing if he should continue. "You almost decided no didn't you." Sky finished, making eye contact. He had to think for a moment to word it right, and that was the nicest way he could put it.
It was only after Alex had confessed what he did that he realized how it might come across, what it might imply. He hadn't meant to even hint at the possibility of his answer being a no, because in all honesty, he hadn't been sure what his answer was going to be. It was the peace, the happiness, the sense of belonging that Alex felt whenever he was around or talking with Skylar that had finally helped him make up his mind. It was clear to him relatively quickly though that Skylar didn't seem all that happy any longer, and when he finally asked his question it became apparent as to why. Alex's eyes widened slightly before he shook his head. "No. I wasn't really leaning one way or the other. I was still trapped in the middle. You know that my family doesn't... doesn't know about me, and I'm well aware of what kind of strain that would put on a relationship... on you. But I also know that you make me feel happy, alive, and normal. So I wasn't sure how to answer. But when you texted, despite its short simplicity it made me feel better, I guess. I knew then what my answer would be." He said, trying to explain it as best as he was able to, and yet entirely sure he was making a mess of everything.
Skylar just stared at him, trying to take in everything he was saying. Sky knew that just because he could have said no, it would have been because of Alex's family. He understood it, for the most part. Since that was the case, he tried his best to push past it, he said yes after all. "Okay." Sky answered quietly, "You won't have to worry about people knowing for the most part because I don't think I'll be going back to school." Sky added. He looked down at the ground, feeling very awkward just standing there. "I know we won't see each other as often, but it's not like we'd get to do much at school." Sky said, his voice quiet. He looked back up at Alex and gave him a concerned look, "Speaking of school, that's where you should be right now." Sky stated.
Despite his words being more or less a jumbled mess, Alex felt some relief in saying them. Felt some sense of pressure eased from his shoulders at trying to explain his actions and reasoning. When Skylar answered softly he felt himself relaxing, albeit only slightly. The tension though was quick to return when he heard Skylar stating that he likely wouldn't be returning to school. Silently he listened as Skylar continued, watching him with a mix of concern and confusion. Had he done something? Had Skylar made this decision because of him, or was there something else going on? He didn't have much time to try and ponder the answer to those questions or to even ask them before he noted Skylar's concerned look and listened to his final statement. "Yeah well, I had something more important to do. So what if I'm a few minutes late for my first class." He said, attempting to brush it off as if it didn't mean anything, as if it wasn't a concern of his.