The protective curtain of feathers that curled themselves around her brought a small comfort in the heavy environment Lily found herself in. The solid presence of Finn beside her certainly helping with the distress that was simmering under her skin. Her head tilted up and offered him a small smile, shaking her head. “You don’t need to apologise.” Lily corrected just as Alma turned and spotted Lily. Her eyes snapped back down to view Alma as she gave her the order, the idea of shifting back was daunting. Would it hurt just as badly as before? Lily didn’t voice her concerns, only mourning the loss of Finntello at her side for a second before turning to glance at Callisto. The other man was gazing at her silently, waiting for her to join him in this strange new form of hers. With the smallest wince of her eyes, Lily let the feeling inside her out from where she kept it confined. Almost immediately, the cracking of her bones began. In stark contrast to Callisto’s seamless transition, Lily’s face contorted with pain as she fought back the urge to cry out and reveal their location. Instead, she could taste blood in her mouth from where she had bitten her lip so harshly that it had sliced the flesh open. The grotesque breaking of her bones was swifter than last time, a blessing as Lily felt her large paws meet the wooden floor. Her head hung low, panting to regain her control. After a moment, Lily cautiously lifted her head, ears angled backwards as she looked from Callisto to Finn. Whilst they were both still behemoths, Lily’s head was raised higher than the male beside her, at least another 8 inches taller than him. The fur on the back of her neck and down her spine were spiked up, betraying her terror at the task they were about to attempt. – In the short break, Veles slid his eyes back open and let his gaze trail over Xevon with curiosity. He was trying to determine if the other man was about to go spiralling back into his madness, if that was the case then the god was going to make a hasty escape from that room. It appeared that wasn’t what was happening. Confirmed by the rising of Xevon back up to meet him, producing a small sound of mild surprise from the back of his throat. Veles’s arm from the back of the lounge descended and laid to rest encircling Xevon’s shoulders. Twisting his own spine to meet him at a less severe of an angle, using his new hold to pull Xevon closer into his side.
Finn's hand lifted up to his mouth, his stomach churning. That was a sound he hoped to never hear ever again. Something about the cracking of bones, the writhing of flesh and the likes was not a sound that Finn enjoyed--to the surprise of probably nobody. That seemed like a natural reaction to the sounds he was hearing. A part of him knew he'd have to hear them again but at the same time, he secretly really hoped that he wouldn't have to ever hear that again. Alma, however, remained in place and watched the young woman instead. Her brown eyes were soft, full of a small agony as the young woman went from human to lion. The large beasts were forces of nature and she was rather impressed. That was a feat of nature that she was almost jealous of. But not quite because she didn't want to actually go through whatever that painful process was. She unzipped the fanny pack, removing the sling and some of the crystals. "Let's go," she urged, gesturing down the hallway toward the employee's stairwell. Time, now, was of the essence. Finn waved one hand, nodding wearily. He swallowed a couple times, fighting the natural urge and began to march forward. ------ Xevon's own throat released a slightly amused noise--out of habit. The mild surprise that came from the god was almost egging him on. It was something more than he had expected. This entire thing was more than he had expected or imagined. Yet, there he was, entangled in Veles' arms, his own hand tangled up in his hair, one hand resting on his waist and locked in a gentle kiss with the dark haired, pale-eyed god.
Lily kept pace close to Finn, her eyes darting around as they walked towards the staircase. Her ears were still angled backwards, tail whipping from side to side in apprehension of a monster bursting out from the rooms to devour them. The eerie silence of the hotel kept her hackles raised. Callisto on the other hand was ahead of them, footsteps light on the wood, a strange sensation, his head was lowered, tasting the air. His gait was far more at ease in the halls than Lily, more lumbering than creeping along like a mouse. Callisto’s ears were held high and pointed forwards, trying to pick out any tiny noise he could. There was nothing, no one was pacing the halls, no one was fighting. It brought on a strange feeling in his stomach, something wasn’t right. Once he had made his way to the stairs, he had to be careful where and how he placed each giant paw on the narrow steps. Taking his time not to collapse down them and take out Finn and Lily on the way. Successfully, he had scaled the stairwell. He could hear movement now, it was miniscule. Barely noticeable if not for the total silence of the rest of the building. It sounded like clothing, fabric brushing against something. His head lifted in curiosity, waiting to see what the source of the sound was. The scruffy fur that made up his mane was still relaxed, there was little to alert him just yet. However, as the door was pushed open for him and Callisto stepped out into the hallway, his eyes snapped to the side, quickly followed by his head. Behind him he heard Lily produce a low growl in the back of her throat from beside Finntello. Veles’s scent was everywhere, but here it was overwhelming, potent and vile. His lips curled back at the smell, his fur standing on end and bushing up. He was here. – Veles smirked into the kiss at the sound that welled up from Xevon, coaxing him to tighten his hold on him. A strange sensation considering the ghostly state of the other man, being the god of death had its perks, being able to touch the dead seemed to be one that he was growing to appreciate more. His hand dipped from the side of Xevon’s face where it had been cradling his head, moving to slip under his jaw, pushing upwards gently before securing his hand around the width of Xevon’s neck. For the time being, only a modicum of pressure was pressed into the flesh there. – Lily’s eyes widened as she peered down the hallway, her flank brushing against Finn’s wing tips as she stuck close to him. She could smell it too, Callisto’s sudden hostility was brought on by that scent trail leading right into what she could only assume was Veles’s quarters. Her muscles were bundled tight with anxious energy, ready to burst into action at the tiniest sound. That was when Callisto suddenly surged forwards, her ears pinned against her skull in shock. She knew they were going to take him by surprise, but at least a little warning would have been appreciated. Lily thundered after him, ripping away from Finn’s side and trying to tell herself that he would be fine as her paws pounded on the ancient wood. She could see Callisto charging into the large room, lips drawn back in an angry beginning of a roar when he suddenly skidded to a halt. His lashing tail and vicious snarl cut short as he stopped and stared to the side, his limbs taut with the power he had been planning on using to leap at the god. What on earth was he doing?! Lily felt panic flare in her chest, was he playing them for fools? Was Callisto actually working with Veles? The thought made her mind haze with anger. Lily had been about to barrel into his rear to force him forwards when her dark eyes caught sight of what had stopped him in his tracks. She was still halting her sprint when Callisto began his snarl once more, except this time it was guttural. And no wonder. Lily’s surprised eyes bore into the scene before her, Xevon was entangled in Veles’s arms, eyes dazed after parting from an obvious kiss. Their hands were all over each other and Veles was a man! He was a man, a very attractive man who was smirking at them with a sharpness that could have sliced flesh. – Callisto’s mind shattered as he flew into the room, his eyes flickering around to find Veles in order to spring onto him and carve away that disgusting flesh. His paws almost fell from under him as he met the familiar figure of Xevon, spread across a lounge to the side of the room. His eyes closed and lips pressed firmly to..to Veles. His claws dug into the wood, creating deep divots. It was when Veles’s head turned and after the tiniest flash of surprise, split his lips into a sharp smirk, that Callisto felt the fury in his bones ignite. However, it wasn’t rage directly towards Veles and their now ruined plan for surprise. No, it was that Xevon looked as though he had been enjoying it. He wanted to cry out, the pain in his chest was clawing for a way out but he bit it down.
The stairwell was long and narrow and Finn wanted nothing more than to just give up. He hadn't realized the hardest part of this whole endeavor was going to be stairs. His grumbling was kept to himself, in his head, as he slowly picked his way up the stairs one by one. The narrow staircase was awkward, it meant he had to keep appendages and feathers close to him. That meant he was off balance unless he was practically crawling up the stairs. Alma was in front of him, glancing back and forth between the white lion and her feathered son. There was a touch of sympathy in her gaze, keeping track of him as they ascended up the stairwell. Alma slid past the two lions, opening the door as silently as she could. The woman paused briefly, listening. Oh, these poor kids--she knew that sound very, very well. That was the soft and subtle sound of ... well, making out. Finn stumbled out beside her, leaning against the doorway to catch his breath. Oh brilliant, go up four flights of stairs before taking on death. Brilliant. At least he was just supposed to get the lantern. He could do that. His footsteps were light and careful, glancing back at Lily as she let out a low and gritting growl. There was a ruffle of movement ahead, a confused and bleary noise. Xevon was far more confused at why Veles had stopped when the growl caught his ears. A--a growl? He... was still trapped in his arms, but his head lifted back. Blood red eyes caught sight briefly of the lion and the hint of feathers with a rush of emotions swelling together. Guilt and confusion were dwarfed immediately by the rush of drowning despair. What were they doing there? What were they doing back?! They... they ... shouldn't have been there. Everything he had done--no. Xevon all but shoved from Veles, drifting back with his hands shaking. No. No no. They couldn't be back--everything he had given up, everything he had done--it was all... fruitless? His hands trembled, slowly the energy gathered around him once again. A ruthless force as his eyes seemed to glaze over again. It was the same mountain pathway--but the footprints he was following... they were accompanied by a trail of dripping blood. His heart froze in his chest looking down at the floor. "No no no.... no... come back--" the words were low and hard to hear. His left arm was cradled by his right hand, wings flaring outward--as if he wasn't aware of them at all. "Be okay--don't--I can't--!" The ghost hardly saw the scene in front of him, the darkness gathering around his form once again before he disappeared through the floorboards. The agonized cry, hardly coherent, shook through the walls. As Xevon was breaking, Alma had prepared the sling. There was no spinning over her head, no spinning at all. She set the crystal in the little pouch, took a step forward and cracked the sling like a whip, hurtling the small rock at Veles in record speeds. She had readied another one and was moving around, slinging stones at the god. Finn, in the meantime, had spotted the lamp and basically had made a mad dash for it.
Callisto’s eyes widened as he watched Xevon rear back, was that sadness in his gaze? Why was he sad to see them? The feathering of that dark fog began to swell around his friend, coating him in the bleak mist and obscuring him from view. He wanted to pelt towards him, to throw out this cat form and just encase him in his arms, holding tight and to never let go. That wasn’t going to happen as Xevon backed up, wings extending behind him like a threatened bird, murmuring under his breath but Callisto could hear. He heard the agony behind his words as Xevon vanished from his view, fading into the floorboards. It took him a moment to orient himself once again, the whirling mess in his mind making it difficult to focus on what was happening. Only when Veles gave a grunt of annoyance as the crystal Alma flicked at him pinged against his chest, producing a small dot of pain that would bruise if Veles allowed it to. Lily’s eyes darted between the sprinting form of Finn, wanting to rush to his side and make sure he wasn’t going to become a target, but she knew that would ruin the game plan Alma had concocted. Instead, she looked to Callisto, gauging his reaction. This was not the god they had described to her, he was a man. Human in appearance with sharp pale eyes that seemed to see right through into her very soul as Veles caught her gaze. Her breath hitched in her throat as a wide grin creased his features. The thundering of her heart against her ribs was deafening as he spoke. “There she is, my blushing bride.” Veles cooed, beginning to take steps towards her with arms outstretched, ignoring the flurry that was Alma. Her muscles felt like they were made of ice, unable to move from under his gaze. “I think I prefer the slender, more feminine version –” Hands gestured in a curving manner, outlining a woman's figure, then he grunted and shuffled sideways as a white mass barrelled into Veles’s side. Callisto had tore himself up from the ground and sprang up to crash into Veles, there was no grace to his attack as he did his best to force the god to bend over and fall to the ground. Despite the new form, the god possessed all the same strength as before and did not let his knees buckle under the weight, nor the thorn sharp claws that dug deep into his flesh. A snarl like a crack of lightning shot from Callisto as he pushed all of his weight towards the god, but it wasn’t working. Veles reached his free arm around and long bony claws covered in necrotic flesh formed, then like an organic spear it pierced into Callisto’s ribcage and the sound that came from him was piercing, a cry of pain that made him baulk away from the god as fresh red blood dripped to the ground in his wake. Veles lifted his hand and threw it backwards, splattering the blood across the wood in disgust. “Vile creature, you never knew your place.” Veles hissed without giving the wounded lion another glance. It was then that Lily saw his blue eyes move sideways and catch the retreating form of Finntello and a look of fear flashed across his face as he pieced together what they were really doing. Lily had known what it was like to be scared before, but this was something else, this was true fear. A terror that ran along her spine like an ice cold claw as Veles pushed his legs and like a flash caught up with Finn, lips pulled back in a grimace. That spear hand arching backwards and prepared to crush right through the back of Finn’s chest. Before she knew it, her paws were pounding on the floor and her hindlegs balled up to push her into the air as she leapt towards them. Her forepaws collided with Veles’s torso and the pair went tumbling off to the side. That didn’t stop the bony extensions from grazing Finntello’s back, the spot between his wings and drawing blood. In the fall, they separated and Veles began to run after Finntello once more, a bitter growl pulled from her. This time Lily was there, she screeched to a halt in front of him, her tail lashing wildly behind her, massive head lowered to the ground with a threatening snarl. Except her left eye was squinted closed, blood pooled from harsh wounds that ran over her head. Beginning at the top of her skull and over her eye to her jaw, weeping fresh red blood from the gashes. The liquid began to drip from her fur into a small puddle beside her, but she did not move. The strike that had meant to burst through Finntello’s heart had been diverted and sent clawing through her own flesh, it almost felt like the god had reached the bone of her skull with the searing pain that was beginning to fester.
Alma let out a sharp noise and stepped in front of Lily, swinging the dagger in front of her about the same time that Callisto barreled into his side. It didn't seem to do too much and she leapt to his side before she winced. The woman sent another few stones over at Veles, wincing. "Chico!" She cried out quickly. Her eyes were wide, watching Lily barrel into Veles. There was still a brief scratch. This was... atrocious. Alma let out a frustrated grunt and leapt to her feet, racing over the floor. Unlike the others, she leapt up, wrapped one arm around the neck of Veles and in true, wrestling fashion, flipped over and landed half on top of him. She whipped the dagger around to drive into his own skull, partially blinded by rage. Her hands hardly shook with the dagger that she pulled from the pack and raised again over her head. She was hardly able to stay back on, losing her grip as Veles tore after them--only separated by Lily. Finn let out a short yelp as the sharp claw nicked his back. The skin just between his wings. Adrenaline kicked in as he leapt forward, spreading his wings to give him a bit more of speed. Or.... that was the hope at least. The lantern was hanging on the staff and he wanted to just destroy that thing. It was just a few more steps away, just there, a brush away from his fingertips. --- Xevon let out a wincing noise, pacing along the pathway again. The blood covered snow was unnerving. They were injured. Picket--not picket. The poor skinny rail of a young man didn't deserve it at all! Some poor kid from the middle of nowhere Kansas-- But what about Toss? The burly man from California had enough muscle to actually have thrown Picket up onto the tree to rescue a pig skin they had thrown up there. They had become almost inseparable friends. Then Xevon had joined their small battalion. They had gotten this far. They couldn't... they couldn't get separated now. They couldn't lose each other--they had plans! Plans to get together, Picket's fiance was happy to meet them from the letters she wrote them. He paused briefly, the figure of Callisto drawing briefly. No--no. No. He had rescued them, they had been free, they got out of there! Why were they back? Had the cult gotten to them? They'd... they'd be killed. An agonized cry escaped from his lips, his hand lifted up to his head and shivered. Edited at December 13, 2024 08:11 PM by Zeraphia
Veles matched her fury with his own snarl of frustration, a sound so deep it could have shaken the walls of the hotel. His arms flicked out on either side of him, matching disgusting flesh encasing half of them, bones and spines protruding from them at all sorts of angles. “Don’t waste my time!” His voice had tinged with the sound of many, feminine and masculine swirling into an unrecognisable tone. He had steadied his legs, ready to lunge again. Lily’s un-injured eye flashed with a bright ferality as he moved, her claws dug into the wooden floor and used it to send herself flying to meet the god. The thud of the collision had taken the air from her lungs, blurring the edges of her already not fantastic vision. But her claws found purchase, puncturing into the flesh on Veles’s shoulder as he tried to slam past her. Callisto had appeared on the other side, raking his own paws onto his other arm and attempting to drag him down to the ground. It seemed to be working, the god’s legs were shaking with the effort to keep himself upright. Lips curled back in wrath as he stared after Finntello, his more manicured appearance dishevelled and desperate. His flesh turned to rubber beneath her paws, undulating and squirming. Lily’s eye widened as she watched the beautiful man contort into a horrific image. A mass of bones and dying flesh with a scent that stung her nose, a shrieking sound pulled from Veles’s throat as he ripped himself free from both felines, leaving tatters of his flesh behind. Callisto fell to the ground and almost collapsed as the wound in his ribs screamed in pain, a fresh splatter of blood decorating the floor. He stood unsteady on his paws as Veles rushed past him and continued for Finn. The other three were mere hindrances, an old woman and two cats. They could be handled later, the feathered brat was after his lantern. His antler adorned skull split into a screech as he sprinted after Finntello once again, this time he caught him. With an all mighty wretch, Veles dug his hands into Finn’s torso and pushed him forwards into the ground, pinning him beneath him. Dripping saliva down onto the bare skin on the back of Finn’s neck. His maw opened and twisted sideways, aiming to slam closed around the delicate spine at the base of his head. Lily’s muscles ached, but her mind was racing. Fear was prickling along her nerves like fireworks exploding at their destinations. Veles was going to kill Finn. Her nightmares were going to come true. A strangled, painful sound came from her throat as she tried to pelt after Veles. Her un-injured eye wide, the white surrounding it was displayed in abject horror. He couldn’t die. He wasn’t supposed to die.
"Waste your time?!" Alma shouted out in returned in almost disbelief. "You have had eternity!" The woman rushed forward, holding the dagger in one hand. Her feet pounding against the wooden floor. Perhaps having their friend would have been a better outcome. But she wasn't going to lose them. She couldn't! Finn let out a short cry, his hand outstretched for the lantern. The god's claws in his skin hardly felt like much in the swirl after his head cracked on the wooden floor. The world spun, swirling with colors and the hot fanning breath over his skin. So perhaps he should've paid attention to those dreams... they were... prophecies. Strange... But the unholy feeling of something passing through his chest left him breathless. The scream of something far more powerful than he was rocketed straight through his chest and collided with the back of Veles' throat. "Monster--" the voice belonged to the wraith, burning in hatred. Xevon's glazed eye honed in on the beast, swirling with fury. There were a few more things that he cried out, in a language that Finn didn't understand. He was speaking too fast. The man cried out again, finally Finn picked up on the words... slightly. They weren't in another language, they were names. Call signs. Toss, Weasel, Picket, Haywire, Fawn and Lump. He repeated the names as he tore at the monstrous flesh of the god with reckless abandon. Alma shook her head, using the distraction to launch one of the daggers, the silver metal leaving her fingertips and sailing through the air. While she didn't have a 'super strength' or whatnot, she had her own strength. Aided by that, she ran toward the lantern as well, hoping and praying to whoever would listen... that they could make it.
Veles’s form lurched, in the second that he was about to clamp down his needled jaws and snap Finn’s neck a rush of something from beneath him sent the god reeling backwards with a screech. As what she could only assume was Xevon went flying into Veles, Lily bypassed them completely. Instead, she took up post beside Finntello’s limp form on the ground, her ears pinned back sharply as she dipped her head to push at his shoulder. She remained beside him as Alma went rushing past them, giving her a small glance before her eyes returned to the scene before her Preparing herself to lash out at either Veles, or less happily at Xevon. A low sound permeated from her throat, a quiet constant growl as she waited for Finn to lift himself up. Her form was crouched beside his, muscles tight and ready to spring. The sound of that scream made Callisto’s head rise sharply, eyes honing in on the shadow cloaked form of Xevon as he sent himself into a whirling flurry at Veles. He watched as the god eventually found his bearings and began to return the vicious attacks. Callisto didn’t think he could be more confused if he tried. Slick wet sounds came as slices of dying flesh were flayed from Veles’s form, courtesy of Xevon. Veles’s beady eyes burned with anger, his legs holding himself steady, forcing himself to remain upright and not to back down. Not a single step to be taken backwards. His hands splayed and raked through Xevon’s misty form, trying to strike true into the creature before him, feeling some resistance and knowing he had met flesh. Then he let out a surprised yowl as his legs buckled beneath him, a quick look down revealed Callisto’s white body ravaging at his legs. Claws digging in deep, fanged jaws clamped around his thigh and tearing at it like he was carrion. Callisto’s pupils were blown wide, blackened blood sprayed across his white fur, beginning to mingle with the fresh red of his own. The muscles in his forelimbs rippled with effort to keep his hold on the god whilst avoiding the potential danger of Xevon.
Finn's arms shook under him, his head still spinning as he dragged--crawled--away from the writhing mass of god, ghost and former leader. The sounds were awful, the slice of flesh, the tearing noises that pierced through--aided by the haunting wail that came from the wraith. The ghost hardly seemed phased at all by the tearing wound from himself. Xevon's hands tore at the feathers, the fur, smashing the teeth-like bones. The words he had said before delved into wailing screeches, agony, hatred and burning emotions tangled up inside. Even still, Finn wasn't sure he was seeing Veles... and not something or someone else. The single good red eye was far too glazed over. Finn shook his head, wincing a couple of times before standing up, unsteadily to lean against Lily. The room tilted under his feet, a slight swirl in his vision again. He just... he needed a moment or two. His eyes flicked toward the lantern. As he had stood up, Alma had leapt into the fray as well. Xevon had taken to the god's head and neck, screeching the entire time. Alma simply launched forward--spread eagle tackle to knock the god down-down to the floor and begin to dig in with the dagger. Finn looked toward the lantern again and shuffled forward, his steps growing far more steadier as he came up to the lantern. A rush of emotion swept through him as he took hold of the metal frame and swung it over his head, raising it high up. "Veles!" He called out, voice shaking. "I hope you're ready to face the depths of whatever hell you're headed to."