
With a hum of satisfaction, he began to make his way over to the cashier. Setting the bag of chips and pop down, he pulled out his wallet and grabbed his debit card. Glancing behind his shoulder, he caught a glimpse of Alex moving to put his stuff up as well. "Cash or card?" The cashier asked. The question made Sky irritated, but he didn't act on it. Like why are you asking when I literally have my fucking card out. "Card." Skylar said as he looked back at the cashier, he didn't sound one bit irritated at all. He gave a fake smile to the cashier, grabbing his stuff and walking away. The cashier had then asked if he wanted a bag, Skylar ignored him and just walked out. He made sure to keep the door open but he didn't turn back around. Skylar's brows were furrowed, and he did look pissed. He wasn't that pissed, he was just irritated. When people ask stupid questions it makes Sky's skin boil. Once he heard the sound of Alex's footsteps behind him he let go of the door and continued to walk to his truck. He walked around the passenger side, swiftly opening Alex's door for him and putting the pop and chips in the back with the pillows and blankets. He fully walked around the back of the truck to get to the driver's side. He quickly buckled himself in his seat when he got in. Letting out a sign he turned on the engine.
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With both the bag of chips and the bottle of soda in his hands, Alex moved after Skylar and toward the cashier. He tossed a glance toward Skylar before setting his own bag of chips and soda down on the counter. Silently he watched and waited as Skylar handed his card over and paid for the items. Once he'd done so Alex grabbed the two things he'd gotten and moved to follow Skylar out. He tossed the cashier a small but friendly smile as he did so. It was clear to Alex, as they headed back to the truck that Skylar seemed... irritated about something. He'd first noticed the subtle shift in Skylar's attitude when the cashier had posed their question. Perhaps that had been the culprit? After all, Sky had already had his card out and visible. "Thanks," Alex said when Skylar opened the passenger door of the truck for him. He didn't get in right away but allowed his eyes to trail after Skylar as he put the pops and chips in the back before moving around to the driver's side. It was only as Skylar was getting in that Alex did the same. Closing the door after himself he fastened his seatbelt and let out a soft sigh. ((I feel like this was terribly written. >.> Sorry about that.))

(It's okay) Skylar looked over at Alex when he got in. Sky didn't answer when Alex said thanks, he was still irritated by the stupid cashier, "Mhm." Was all Sky managed. He made sure Alex was buckled before he pressed on the gas, backing out of the parking space. It was now roughly 10 minutes before the first movie starts so hopefully when they get there it isn't packed, it would only irritate Sky further. Being off drugs made Sky get irritated a lot quicker so that didn't help at the moment. He took a deep breath as he continued to drive down the street. Before he could even blink they were there. The drive-in really was just down the street. Skylar caught a glimpse of where all the cars were parked, and it didn't seem too packed. There were no spots left in the front, but from there down there was plenty. "Thank the lord there's spots at the back." Sky said as he pulled up to where they had to pay. "Two tickets please." Sky said as he began to pull out his card again. "Okay, we only take card at the moment." The lady working said. "Perfect." Skylar replied as he fully got his card out. He used tap and the lady gave them their tickets with the radio station. Skylar pulled into the drive-in, slowly and carefully, making his way to the back. He pulled into a parking spot that was right in the middle. Skylar left the truck running since they would have to meddle with the radio soon to hear the movie. Without a word, Sky got out of the truck. Walking to the back of the truck he opened the back and climbed up. He grabbed the pops and chips and moved them out of the way so he could set up everything, but when he stood up and looked at everything it made him realize something. "Fuck, we should have brought two blankets." Sky said quietly. He then began to spread the blanket out and got the pillows set up. "Okay we're all set. Now we need to fuck with the radio." Sky said.
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Figuring remaining quiet was the best option, Alex didn't say anything as Skylar drove from the convenience store to the drive-in. Despite the silence though, he let his gaze shift between the road and the male next to him, remaining acutely aware of his irritation. Though it seemed like the question the cashier had sparked the shift in attitude, Alex couldn't help but wonder if perhaps he had done something to fuel the flame. Biting at the corner of his bottom lip he glanced at the woman who took Skylar's card and returned it to him with the two tickets before he looked back at the male beside him. He had wanted this to be fun... after all, this was supposed to be a reward... a treat for Skylar after everything he had been through these past few weeks. He frowned slightly at that and the realization that he hadn't actually contributed anything to this. At the very least he should have paid for both the snacks and the tickets. ` He was pulled from his thoughts when Skylar parked the truck and got out. Straightening he swiftly unbuckled himself before moving to get out as well. Stepping around to the back of the truck he watched as Skylar set everything up and offered a smile and a shake of his head when he brought up the lack of two blankets. "I don't get cold easily, so you're more than welcome to have the blanket." He said and then tossed a glance towards the front of the truck at the mention of the radio. "I can take care of it." He said with a nod before he moved to get back into the truck to do just that.

"Oh okay, Thanks." Skylar began, sitting down in the back of the truck but then he was quick to rise to his feet again, "Wait, You'll need one of the tickets for the radio station." Skylar finished. Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed one of the pieces of paper that he felt. He leaned over the side of the trunk and held out his arm for Alex. He offered Alex a smile and made eye contact. Suddenly all the irritation that he was feeling before disappeared as he got lost in Alex's eyes. Once Alex took the ticket, he turned back around. Since this was Sky's blanket that he slept with, his only blanket, he didn't want it to get dirty. When he sat down he took off his shoes and set them aside. He then grabbed the pops, putting Alex's on his side, along with the chips Alex picked out. He kept his pop and chips on his side, opening his pop and taking a big sip. (Omg sorry its so freakin shorttt)
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Alex paused and turned back to Skylar when he heard him tell him to wait and then listened as he explained that he needed one of the tickets for the radio station. "Right, thanks." He said with a soft laugh before he moved to take the ticket that Skylar offered to him. Letting his gaze meet Sky's own he lingered a moment before clearing his throat and looking away. Getting into the truck he looked at the ticket he'd been given before moving to begin working with the radio and getting it set to the right channel. It took Alex about a minute to complete the task but once he'd done so he smiled some and then moved to leave the cab of the truck and head to the back. ` Climbing up into the bed of the truck, Alex noted Skylar sitting, his shoes off and his drink and pop on his side. He smiled faintly at the sight before moving to join him. Careful not to step on Skylar's blanket, Alex sat down and leaned back. He let out a soft sigh and let himself relax before drawing his knees to his chest so he could untie and slip off his shoes. Setting them off to the side between his leg and the wall of the truck bed he then moved to grab his pop and open it to take a small sip. (It's all good, my post is pretty short as well. xD)

Skylar let his eyes follow Alex's every move when he came back. "Alex." Skylar said softly, as he turned his head to look at him, he made sure to look at his eyes. Sky was unsure of what he even wanted to say to Alex, he just wanted his attention. He only stared for a moment before he looked around. It was dark out and surely nobody was going to be paying attention to them. He was quick to hug Alex, putting his head under the arm that held his pop and then resting it down on his chest. He closed his eyes as he melted into Alex's chest. His arms wrapped around his sides, but couldn't go around fully since he was leaning on his back. Sky didn't hug him for long for Alex's sake since they were in public. Sky slowly let go, letting his one arm linger on his body as he got himself situated beside him. (lame I know since its so short)
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Alex's blue hues turned to Skylar the moment he heard his name. "Hmm?" He hummed after swallowing the coke he had in his mouth. Of all the things he was expecting Skylar to say or do, a sudden embrace wasn't one of them. He stiffened, his eyes widening in surprise and his heart leaping into a frantic rhythm. The first thing that went through his head at the hug was the worry about being seen. They were in public, and within sight of anyone who might glance over. What would they think if they saw two guys hugging one another? Though he felt an almost instinctual urge to push Skylar away, the worry about having anyone see something like this was strong, but he barely managed to keep himself from doing so. Whatever Skylar needed... he told himself, doing his best to calm his rising nerves and ease the tension from his shoulders. ` It was a relief when Skylar finally pulled back from the hug, and the moment Alex realized he felt that way guilt and shame followed. He shouldn't feel that way about offering Skylar comfort... regardless of where they were or who could see them. That, however, was far easier said than done. Slowly lowering his soda he drew in a breath and closed the lid before setting it off to the side. For a long moment he was silent, not at all sure what to say. He remained acutely aware of the arm that lingered on his body as Skylar got situated next to him. It took several seconds before Alex had the courage to look over at Skylar, watching him, and though he wanted to say something he wasn't sure what to say and so remained quiet.

Skylar looked away from Alex as he moved his arm away from him as well. "Sorry, I know we shouldn't be doing that stuff here." Skylar said that he didn't move away from him. He looked at him for a second, giving him a half-ass smile before looking at the big screen in front of them. Alex's silence and failure to return the embrace said something to Skylar. He clenched his jaw, and kept his composure, trying to not let it bother him. This wasn't going to be easy, but Skylar had to keep reminding himself that he wanted this. Was it really worth it, and did he need this after dealing with relapsing and then withdrawing, was a question Sky asked himself. Yes. Skylar glanced over at Alex before grabbing his Dr Pepper and taking a sip out of it. Once he finished taking the sip he put it back then rested his hands in his lap. He leaned back against the back of the truck and crossed his feet as he stared at the big screen.
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Alex felt horrible as the shock and horror of the embrace ebbed away and was replaced by guilt and shame. He became aware of the fact that he hadn't returned the hug, hadn't even made a show of affection or support toward Skylar, and instead had focused solely on himself. He silently cursed at his stupidity and continued to let his gaze rest on Skylar. Taking note of the half-hearted smile that was offered to him he paused and frowned slightly in return. Swallowing thickly he looked away from Skylar and towards the screen of the screen. He'd fucked up. Of that he was certain, how he could remedy the situation he wasn't entirely sure. True, Sky hadn't said anything, and aside from the smile he seemed okay, but if their roles were switched, Alex was sure he would be anything but. ` After several seconds of thought, and having let his gaze scan the area around them, as if searching for anyone who might look, Alex sat up a little. He nipped at the inside of his cheek before slowly, and with a fair bit of caution and hesitation, reached to take one of Skylar's hands. It wasn't an embrace, but he hoped it would be enough of a show of affection to remedy the fact that he hadn't hugged Skylar back earlier. Swallowing thickly he looked away from Skylar and towards the large screen of the drive-in when his hand took a light and tentative hold of Skylars own.